08:00 - 09:00
Monday (March 26, 2018)
Room: Wilshire I (X-Project Efforts) | Room: Hancock Park (SDOs) | Room: Echo Park (Containers) | Room: K-Town (Use Cases & Misc) |
Room : Lou Feliz (Hacking/Misc)
Developer Forum Kickoff |
09:00 - 09:30
Lessons Learned: Integration, From the Cradle to the Stage (Robyn Bergeron, Daniel Farrell, Monty Taylor, Gildas Lanilis, Fatih Degirmenci) | Collaboration between Open Source (ONAP) and SDO for SDN/NFV modeling/API (Phil Robb, Hui Deng, Lingli Deng Jenny Huang (TMF), Klaus Martiny (ZSM), Dan Pitt (MEF)) | Building Cloud Native, Web Scale, Deployable VNFs with Service Mesh Architecture (Wenjing Chu, Jia Xuan, Stephen Wong, Dave Neary, Rossella Sblendido, Isaku Yamahata)
| Telecom Service providers PoCs leanings from ONAP Policy Engine with AI/ML predictive inputs (Sana Tariq |
09:30 - 10:00
Cross Community Infra/CICD (Fatih Degirmenci)
) |
Managing State in Cloud Native VNFs (Dave Neary) | Experience sharing: the national experiment network for NFV testing in China Mobile (Fu Qiao) |
| ||||||||
AM Break |
10:15 - 10:45
LFN Compliance/Verification Governance (Chris Donley) Recording truncated due to on-site wifi disconnect. | ETSI NFV & LFN collaboration - Functionality, API ( |
Greg Glover, Sofia Wallin, Thanh Ha)
TBD MEF topic
11:45 - 13:00
Lunch Break
13:00 - 18:00
ONAP Breakout
fd.io Breakout
ODL Breakout
OPNFV Breakout
Tuesday (March 27, 2018)
Main room
Breakout Room
Breakout Room
Breakout Room
Hacking Room
08:00 - 09:00
TAC Meeting
09:00 - 10:00
ONAP Breakout
fd.io Breakout
ODL Breakout
OPNFV Breakout
10:00 - 10:15
AM Break
10:15 - 11:30
ONAP Breakout
fd.io Breakout
ODL Breakout
OPNFV Breakout
11:30 - 12:00
Wrap-up session
Session Proposals
[Note: the current plan for each session is 30 minutes]
Once accepted, the below proposals will be scheduled during Plenary session on the Monday morning in the breakout rooms.
Thinh Nguyenphu)
| Building container-based NFV solutions with VPP integration and ONAP orchestration (Tina Tsou, Trevor Tao)
| Early Insights from ONAP/OPNFV Cross-Community Collaboration PoC (Bruce Thompson, Eddie Arrage) |
10:45 - 11:15
Build Once Use Many : A Comprehensive Approach to API Validation and collaboration for all stakeholders (Sreekalyan Devaraj, Luis Gomez)
ETSI NFV & LFN collaboration - VNF Package, VNF Descriptors (Tetsuya Nakamura)
Kubernetes networking in the telco space (Gergely Csatari)
CORD and ONAP Integration - Bora Eliacik, Netsia/Turk Telecom/ONF
| ||||||||
Cross Community Infra/CICD (Fatih Degirmenci/Daniel Farrell) Recording truncated due to on-site wifi disconnect. | ETSI NFV & LFN collaboration - |
VNF Package, VNF Descriptors |
Contact: Tetsuya Nakamura (t.nakamura@calelabs.com)
Cristina Badulescu(cristina.badulescu@ericsson.com), Stephen Terrill(stephen.terrill@ericsson.com), Jamil Chawki /Orange -ONAP
Contact: Tetsuya Nakamura (t.nakamura@calelabs.com)
Jamil Chawki
Pierre Lynch / pierre.lynch@keysight.com
Alla Goldner
Contact: Alla Goldner
Yang (Gabriel) Yu , Sridhar
Long duration tests are introduced in OPNFV by test working group and cooperate with Infra working group. Tests for long term stability could be manipulated elaborately to reflect and validate many aspects of the system for stable production usage purpose.The background, methodology, set-ups, specification, upstream and results of stability validation in OPNFV will be discussed.
Contact: Yang (Gabriel) Yu
sreekalyan devaraj, Luis Gomez
Automation and programmability are the key aspects of SDN/NFV and thus APIs are at the heart
of it. Validating, sharing, documenting, testing and providing examples of API usage to
developers and users is fragmented in and across various open source projects while these
capabilities are extremely important for any open source project and its consumers. We believe
through the use of open tools we can addresses these concerns and and unify all these use
cases for various stake holders. We will talk about building a system that treats APIs as as a
first class citizen and follows the principles of "Build Once Use Many". We will also talk about
how we can standardize this across open source projects to provide common experience for the
consumers of the APIs.
Contact: sreekalyan devaraj, Luis Gomez
Sana Tariq
Sana Tariq
In this panel, developers from OPNFV, OpenDaylight, OpenStack and ONAP communities will discuss the challenges in E2E Integration and Testing faced by the open source networking projects and what each community is doing to address them in a collaborative manner.
Participants will learn more about the initiatives driven collectively by these communities and get to know the latest developments in CI/CD and DevOps area in open source.
Fatih Degirmenci
Daniel Farrell
Bin Hu, bh526r@att.com
LFN Developers and anyone who is interested in enabling a platform and service on multiple cloud infrastructures
Contact Bin Hu, bh526r@att.com
A guide to build a cloud native VNF
Kubernetes networking in the telco space
Ekta Khurana, ekhurana@luminanetworks.com
Vasu Srinivasan, vsriniv@luminanetworks.com
Contact: Ekta Khurana
Cloud technologies and virtualization are revolutionizing the network. Operators can rapidly deploy network functions, scale out, replicate, and migrate them based on customer demand, resource availability, reliability requirements, etc. This highly dynamic environment makes it hard and inefficient to manage modern networks manually.
ONAP addresses this issue by supporting policy-driven automation of management functions via closed loop. This allows to monitor and control the behavior of network functions in real time, dynamically scale resources, and quickly manage the failure of network elements, resulting in operational efficiency and cost reduction.
In this talk, we will present the main building blocks for creating closed loops in ONAP and demonstrate closed loop in action for managing the lifecycle of FD.io VPP-based ONAP use cases.
Contact: Chris Donley
Building container-based NFV solutions with VPP integration and ONAP orchestration
The presentation will be useful for audience who want to understand the progress of NFV on Arm and who have plan to deploy their NFV solutions on Arm architecture.
Containers are becoming popular choices for NFV solutions due to the benefits provided: easier to deploy, better scalability and lower overhead. Kubernetes has become another choice for Virtual Infrastructure Manager (VIM) in NFV deployment. Some key challenges still need to be addressed for container-based NFV solutions, e.g., requirements of high performance container networking solutions and ease of orchestration and management of VNFs, which are pain points for many server providers to deploy container-based NFV solutions.
This presentation will show a reference design of container-based VNFs with integration of Vector Packet Processing (VPP) from FD.io and ONAP orchestration on Arm NFV infrastructure. We are building this Arm-based solution in OPNFV Container4NFV and Auto projects. Kubernetes is used as VIM to deploy Docker cluster for OPNFV platform. ONAP key components like APP-C, DCAE, SDN-C are deployed on this OPNFV platform for Edge Cloud, Resiliency, and Enterprise vCPE use cases. The VPP vhost-user interfaces are used to create L2 bridge and VxLAN overlay to connect between containers, which can be on the same host or different hosts. Two local cloud stacks (OpenStack, and cloud-native) are used in combination to represent one type of "hybrid cloud" environment.
Contact: Tina Tsou (Deactivated)
Contact: Bin Yang
Hands On with the APEX Adaptive Policy System
Developers who would like to have a way of defining logic and the data it uses in their system in a flexible way at run time.
Architects who wish to gain an understanding of how policy and specifically adaptive policy could be used to enhance the architecture of their systems.
Policies can be used to express logic in a flexible and adaptive way for any application domain. The Apex Adaptive Policy System and Environment allows you to change your domain logic on the fly as your application runs and to control the context of multiple policies as they run. APEX is being contributed to ONAP by Ericsson.
This hands-on tutorial session will give an overview of Apex Adaptive Policy System and Environment and will briefly explain the principles and components of the system.
Attendees will be shown how to install APEX and create a policy. How to deploy and execute the policy on an Apex policy engine will be shown. Modification of a policy at run time, adapting it, and redeploying the adapted policy in the engine will also be demonstrated.
Contact: Liam Fallon
Jamil Chawki
What cross project within LFN should focus on at ONS ?
Identify topics for cross collaboration between ONAP, OPNFV, ODL, PNDA & SNAS (XCI, Reference VNF, NFV Infrastructure, VNF validation, Network Analytics ... Cross LFN projects collaboration
Contact: Jamil Chawki
Audience: developers and architects interested in closed control loop automation (with policies for decision making). Anyone else who wants to understand that we do distributed computing, not networking, these days.
Regardless of its domains of application, the policy system at the centre of a closed loop system such as ONAP will need to have some very stringent and dissonant quality attributes. As well as ensuring that the correct policy is in the correct place at the correct time, executing policies must preserve state and yet scale and must take account of their (possibly conflicting) context and yet be adaptable. In this talk we discuss the relative importance of these quality attributes when applied to a closed loop system such as ONAP. We draw on our work in Policy to discuss how policies that hold state at run time can be scaled, and how a policy system can be engineered to be adaptable even as its state and context changes. We will detail our policy engine, which Ericsson is contributing to the ONAP policy framework.
(Andrei Kojukhov, Thinh Nguyenphu)
| Kubernetes networking in the telco space (Gergely Csatari)
| Network Operating Systems (NOSs): What's out there and how they are evolving - Robert Bays, David Maltz, Brian O'Connor
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Harmonizing documentation across LFN (Eric Debeau, Greg Glover, Sofia Wallin, Thanh Ha)
| TBD MEF topic | Long Duration Stability Test (Yu Yang (Gabriel)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Re-using OPNFV framework tests for LFN projects |
(Eric Debeau |
Cédric Ollivier
Porjects: OPNFV, ONAP, ODL,
Audience: testers, developers
Contact: Eric Debeau
Eric Debeau eric.debeau@orange.com
Greg Glover gg2147@att.com
Sofia Wallin Sofia Wallin
Thanh Ha Thanh Ha
Project: All LFN projects
Audience: architects, end users
Documentation is key to get fast adoption by a broad ecosystem. Various LFN projects are using the same chain documentation tooling based on RST+Sphinx.
However, there is a lack of harmonization for Documentation presentation, API documentation, figures, call flows.
Identify how to better harmonize Documentation and provide the best practices
Contacts: Eric Debeau
Common Modeling Practice in ONAP
Lingli Deng
rittwik.jana@gmail.comHui Deng
denghui12@huawei.comDavid Shadmi
Andy Mayer
Interested audience would be including:
(1) related SDO participants and OSS or commercial product architects/developers who are interested in the current practice for common modeling design and implementation in ONAP community, and
(2) technical/marketing strategists for SDN/NFV solutions who are interested in the methology and progress of the collaboration between opensource community and various standards bodies.
ONAP is targeted as a model-driven platform for SDN/NFV network automation. The common modeling design and implementation by all the third-party management systems (OSS applications, Cloud infrastructure managers, SDN controllers, vendor specific element mangement systems, etc.) externally, service and network entities to be managed by ONAP among the different ONAP components (design and creation, deployment and monitory, etc.) internally is the key to achieve that goal.
ONAP R1 is mostly about the mapping of ECOMP IM/DM with OPENO ETSI/TOSCA based IM/DM due to time limitation. Starting from Release 2, ONAP modeling subcommittee is working on the merge into the unified IM/DM and taking into input from different SDOs (TMF, MEF, ETSI NFV).
The panelists will share the approach taken by and a summary of current progress of ONAP modeling.
It is intended to arouse the interest in and encourage contribution to the practice from a broader ecosystem.
Cloud native network functions leverage containers, hence driving the introduction of container orchestration in automation systems. The container orchestration systems provide rich capabilities in the area of application instantiation, scale, monitoring and upgrade. Most of the network functions are based on VM today and there would be a transition from pure VM to hybrid (VM + container) to pure containers based Network functions. This presentation looks at introduction of contain orchestration into ONAP as well as hybrid VM and container orchestration.
Contact: munish agarwal
VNF developers
Communication service providers
Bruce Thompson
Automatic integration & On-borading system used in China Mobile's NFV/SDN network
This talk presents the automatic integration and on-boarding system designed and used in the China Mobile Novonet experiment network. The network includes more than 10 OpenStack clouds deployed in 4 different provinces in China. In China Mobile, we design an automatic system to solve the integration and on boarding testing problem in such large scale Telco-OpenStack cloud.
We take the most advantage of the open source tools both OpenStack and OPNFV provide us. In this talk, we would like to share the progress on this work, the problems we have and what we would love to contribute back to the open source community.
Telecom Integrated Cloud: Future Network Architecture for China Mobile
China Mobile features its future network with multiple telecom DC accoss the whole countries. These DC specifically designed for telco scenarios are called TIC(Telecom Integrated Cloud). In this session, we will give detailed introduction of the definition and architecture of TIC. The architecture includes 50-100 core TICs located in provinces, and 3000 more Edge TICs located in cities and counties. The presentation will include calculation of the server number within each TIC, and detailed design of both core and edge TIC. We will also address open issues for edge TIC, including acceleration and container orchestration.
Experience sharing: the national experiment network for NFV testing in China Mobile
This session will introduce work and experience in the national NFV experiment network in China Mobile. This network covers 4 provinces in China, including 6 DC sites, and cover more than 20 vendors, including hardware vendors, virtualized infrustructure vendors, VNF vendors and MANO vendors. SDN is used to manage the network within and between different DC.Services including vBRAS, vCPE, vEPC are tested. We construct this network to fully explose the problems and interfaces we will face when we construct a 3 layer decoupled NFV network. In this session, we would like to share how we manage such network, experience we learned from the integration and interoperability testing, and what are further needed to consider for future deployment of NFV network.
This session will introduce the survey and deployment thinking of edge cloud in China Mobile. The NovoNet network is China Mobile’s future network, it includes both core clouds and edge clouds. As for the core cloud design, the formation is relatively fixed. But when comes to the edge cloud, the formations will become diverse. The services like vEPC, vCPE, vBRAS, MEC deployment thinking and principles become so crucial. In this session, we would like to share that how we introduce different services into the future NovoNet network and also to share the latest research progress of relative services requirements for cloud to give others an example of edge cloud design.
, Cedric Ollivier)
| IETF & LFN projects coordination (Charles Eckels) | NFV and DevOps Networking Needs in Kubernetes: A Unifying Vision (Ed Warnicke) | CORD and ONAP Integration - Bora Eliacik, Netsia | ||||||||
Lunch Break | |||||||||||
PM Break | |||||||||||
ODL Breakout | OPNFV Breakout |
Tuesday (March 27, 2018)
Room: Wilshire I | Room: Hancock Park | Room: Echo Park | Room: K-Town |
TAC Meeting |
AM Break | |||
Wrap-up session |