ONAP Project Specific Breakouts

ONAP Project Specific Breakouts

RESP requirements for Casablanca (ONS preso)_long.pptx 

This page is for planning breakout sessions of specific importance to the ONAP Project, typically those  topics involving TSC related business or technical deep-dives.

These sessions will occur after Monday morning's LFN-wide Plenary sessions.  

Location: Main Room , Capacity: >100 people

DO NOT add new sessions or alter any time slots - the schedule is set.
Please contact the ONAP Program Committee if you have any questions.
ONAP Program Committee: Alla Goldner, Chris Donley, Dhananjay Pavgi,  Lingli Deng

Monday, March 26

Sessions: 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Break: 3:00 PM to 3:10 PM
Sessions: 3:10 PM to 6:00 PM