Welcome to the LFN Developer & Testing Forum
The LFN Developer & Testing Forum is being held over four days, June 7th - 10th, 2021. Once again we will be virtually gathering the LFN project technical communities to progress our releases; discuss project architecture, direction, and integration points; and further innovate through the open source networking stack. We will use a combination of online tools to create a productive and interactive virtual meeting environment. The event is free of cost and registration is required.
Current confirmed projects are the following:
Anuket: Our mission is - Empower the global communications community by creating and developing reference cloud infrastructure models, architectures, conformance programs and tools to deliver network services faster, more reliably, and securely. We'll be hosting some meetings exploring future development topics, discussing operating procedures, and fostering collaboration with other projects.
ODIM: ODIM coordinates with other key SDOs and open source communities, with a focus on automation, simplification, consistency and interoperability of COTS and OSS infrastructure management solutions resulting in accelerating infrastructure deployments across segments, while lowering operational complexity and cost.
ONAP: The ONAP community will be hosting meetings for alignment of architecture, modeling, security and other aspects of system design as we look toward future releases of the platform.
OpenDaylight: OpenDaylight will be hosting some “how to get engaged” discussions and introduce new projects that aim to scale OpenDaylight for 2021 and into the future.
Tungsten Fabric: The Tungsten Fabric community will focus on "hands-on" development work for the next release of Tungsten Fabric, refining the Release Process, improving the CI/CD pipeline, and exploring cross-community integration with projects such as ONAP, DPDK, and more.For questions, please contact events@lfnetworking.org.
XGVela: An open source cloud native PaaS for applications and telco network functions to enable new services.
Register Here: https://community.lfnetworking.org/e/mwxek9/
Note: Our registration system is now integrated with the Linux Foundation Single sign-on (SSO) platform. You will be prompted to log in with your existing SSO account or to create a new one. If you have forgotten the password for an existing account, reset it by clicking “Forgot Password.” You will also be able to use 3rd party authentication providers (Gmail, GitHub, LinkedIn, and Facebook) to automatically generate your SSO Account. If you experience issues, click the “Contact Us” link on the Registration page to connect with our support team.
Join link: https://join.slack.com/t/lfntech/shared_invite/zt-qa0svbl2-7gHJE88c5VL5LDwID7xV_Q
Details for Presenters:
- Please use the LFN Technical Meetings PowerPoint Template for your presentations.
We encourage you to use the following virtual background if your systems supports it: LFN Zoom Background Image
Sharing must be started by the host account.
Please watch this video by Scot Steele for tips on claiming the Zoom Host roll, recording your session, and uploading your slides and session recordings to the wiki.
- Create a dedicated Session Page for your session content by clicking one of the “Create Session Page” buttons
- Connect to Zoom using the link in TeamUp for your session - No special login required
- Claim the Host role (see instructions emailed to the presenters list)
- Rename your recording mp4 from the default to match the name of your session
- Upload a PDF of any presentation materials to your session page
- Upload your recording to your session page
- Edit the proposals page and add the link to your session page
- TIP: Look for your minutes page under “Recently Viewed” in the link popup.
- Edit the Daily Summary and add a one or two sentence summary and a link to your session page
Community Program Committee Leads and Event Help:
LFN Staff Support