Bob Monkman (Deactivated) (Intel)
Igor Duarte Cardoso (Intel)
Timo Perala (Nokia)
kumarcv (Verizon)
Victor Morales (Samsung)
28 September Agenda is:
Review Open ARs:
- AR- Igor was going to do some more research on the issue tracking options and provide insights to help move towards a vote to choose which option we will use- Done
- Review today
- See related document here
New Agenda Items:
Debrief on TAC Induction-
- Issue with Technical Charter - TSC Composition
- Address TSC Growth criteria
- Address PTL - Suggested at least Base and UI to start with
- We were asked to articulate positioning- Call for use cases and derive clearer message on Edge positioning
Review Draft Board slide (Louis)
Igor - Demo on JIRA v GitLab Issues pros/cons
Seed code. Ready for license scan, need repo to be Public
Should we skip TSC meeting Oct 12 due to ONE Summit?
GitLab Open Source Program:
Open Discussion & Next Steps
Future Agenda Items:
Resource needs from LF
Launch Discussions...
EMCO position in 5G Super BluePrint? (Already being used via OpenNESS components, which in fact is in EMCO already)
More Use Cases listed- Positioning of EMCO
Seed code scan feedback:
There are six files in emco-base with Intel "confidential / proprietary" notices that should be remediated. These are:
- /deployments/helm/emcoBase/hpa-ac/Chart.yaml
- /deployments/helm/emcoBase/hpa-ac/templates/configmap.yaml
- /src/clm/api/controllerhandler_test.go
- /deployments/helm/emcoBase/hpa-ac/templates/deployment.yaml
- /deployments/helm/emcoBase/hpa-ac/requirements.yaml
- /deployments/helm/emcoBase/hpa-ac/templates/service.yaml
If Intel had contributed these, you'll want to ask someone from Intel to remove the notices and replace them with Apache-2.0 notices. Or if someone not from Intel had contributed these, then the files themselves should likely be removed from the repo.