Bob Monkman (Deactivated) (Intel)
Review Open ARs:
TAC Induction- Open Items
- Issue with Technical Charter - TSC Composition. Update Charter language around TSC voting section 2b. Bob to propose draft language- Bob and Louis did meet agree the necessary small change required. Need to overcome an issue with the source file and then Louis will submit the edited file to LFN Legal for approval
- Address TSC Growth criteria- This is best handled on the Governance Page- Bob made a proposed edit
- Address PTL - Suggested at least Core and UI to start with- This is also best handled on the Governance Page- Placeholder language has been proposed- Need PTL to be determined. For discussion.
New Agenda Items:
- It has been asked to revisit the meeting time as it is very difficult for Asia participants, especially with DST ending soon.
2. Also, it has been suggested that we revisit whether this TSC needs to meet every week or can we switch to meeting every two weeks at some poiAny update on Gitlab upgrade?
3. Any update on CI scan tool integration? We will need those for 21.12 release?
4. Logistics of 21.12 release with Aarna Networks.
5. Nominations for TSC, TAC Rep and MAC Rep: Requirements for nomination
Open Discussion & Next Steps
GitLab "Free" CI blocking developers from normal day-to-day code submission with CI checks. Need upgrade to GitLab Premium/Ultimate.
Future Agenda Items: