TSC Meeting Agenda and Minutes 26Oct2021
@Bob Monkman (Deactivated)ย (Intel)
@Timo Perala (Nokia)
@kumarcv (Verizon)
@cathy zhang(Intel)
@Victor Morales (Samsung)
@Sharad Mishra (Intel)
@Ritu Sood (Deactivated)(Intel)
@Anshul Sharma(Calsoft)
@LJ Illuzzi(LFN Staff)
@Igor Duarte Cardoso (Deactivated) (Intel)
Review Open ARs:ย
TAC Induction- Open Items
New Agenda Items:ย
ย It has been asked to revisit the meeting time as it is very difficult for Asia participants, especially with DST ending soon.ย
ย Also, it has been suggested that we revisit whether this TSC needs to meet every week or can we switch to meeting every two weeks at some point
ย Update on Gitlab upgrade? This has been escalated both internally with LF IT and with GitLab
ย Any update on CI scan tool integration? We will need those for 21.12 release?
ย Logistics of 21.12 release with Aarna Networks.
ย Nominations for TSC, TAC Rep and MAC Rep: Requirements for nomination
High level requirements from Verizon rep (Ravi)
Open Discussion & Next Steps
GitLab "Free" CI blocking developers from normal day-to-day code submission with CI checks. Need upgrade to GitLab Premium/Ultimate.
Future Agenda Items:
Bob will send edits of Technical Charter to Louis to update the language for legal review
Cathy/Sharad to work with designated PTLs for Core and GUI on the Governance page
Carve out a dialog with OPS-5G Project who looks to be a constituent potentially.ย ย
Louis say the upgrade on GitLab has come through and Igor will coordinate with Louis to start the process of enabling other users
Louis has been made Owner of the repo now and can start to work on this.ย
On the CI Scan tool, the original plan remains to use the the Gitlab Scan tool and want to ensure that is available and running for the 21.12 release.ย
Louis indicates a scan tool is available once the Ultimate privilege level is enabled for the project
Louis will work with Sharad and team to explore this and getting it running offline.ย
Logistics with Aarna Networks in release 21.12- No Aarna rep today and so this can be deferred. Sharad will tee up the conversation with Amar
Amar will check with his team, but thinks it should be coordinated as close as possible
Integration, API changes etc need to be considered
Sharad, Ritu to figure out of we still have a particular dedicated pod available
Hi Level Requirements from Verizon- 5g Edge Portal- Networking intelligence through APIs
These APIs are developed based on 5GFF specifications
Ravi will send a link t these APIs based on these standards
Would like to see EMCOย adopt these standards APIs for MEC deployments
First round of APIs are related to latency SLAs to find the best MEC placement locations for application
Get list of MEC locations
Create Service Profiles- dictate CPU, memory storage and other requirements for each instance
Track where apps are deployed
Identify best locations, with fallback if best location not available
2nd item under MEC orchestration
Push v Pull
eg, AWS Wavelength instancesย
Public locations have no inbound interface, outbound onlyย
Anyone who wants to deploy MEC apps will need a way to reach MEC applications /k8s clusters
Need public exposure access, with an Operator exposed - to enable to Push Pod specs (Call home)
Next the ability to be able to "Pull" pod specsย
Srini has noted that there is a 21.12 early engagement with Azure and Google Anthos teams to begin to build some of this support in
need to ensure that there is a way to Pull the Pod information necessary
Ravi notes that the multi cluster capability of EMCO is a key role it can play
Another point- monitoring for observability
Using Prometheus today but there are limitations when there is no outbound or inbound connection, only outbound, etc.ย
Cluster Managementย
How to setup the k8s clusters themselves , bring up additional workers capacity nodesย
Srini notes that today we use ClusterAPI as the way to bring up k8s Clusters themselves
Suspects the requirements being discussed is mainly around bringing up additional worker nodes
Onboarding MEC Services