03-29-2022 TSC Meeting Agenda and Minutes
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If you do not have an LF ID you can get one here:ย https://myprofile.lfx.linuxfoundation.org/
Name | Company |
@Timo Perala | Nokia |
@Igor Duarte Cardoso (Deactivated) | Intel |
@Victor Morales | Samsung |
@Bob Monkman (Deactivated) | Intel |
@cathy zhang | Intel |
@Nadathur Sundar | Intel |
Welcome new members
Meeting time conflict with 5G Super Blueprint- every other Tuesday
Juneย LFN Developer & Testing Forum coordinator(s) for EMCO
Bob will help
Igor (tentative). Possible local help.
List of EMCO Contributors and Commiters for LFN Badges
Igor can help
Security scanning for EMCO
LFx Security- receive an overview on April 12.
License scanning - Invite Jeff to TSC call April 5
check/review the proposed draft amendment to governance:ย https://lf-networking.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=15631664
request ecosystem/ project creation: k8sconfig
EMCO 22.03 release readinessย https://gitlab.com/project-emco/core/emco-base/-/issues/142ย
1. DTC ( ISTIO) controller/intent.
2. Level-1 logical cloud.
3. RBAC in GUI
Need Vote on governance amendmentย Approved Amendment #1 - Ecosystem Projects
Email vote on resolution on new repo. @Igor Duarte Cardoso (Deactivated) ย will propose resolution.
Future Agenda items:
Security scanning for EMCO
LFx Security- receive an overview on April 12.
License scanning - Invite Jeff to TSC call April 5