08-16-2022 TSC Meeting Agenda and Minutes
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Name | Company |
@Bob Monkman (Deactivated) | Intel |
@Timo Perala | Nokia |
@Igor Duarte Cardoso (Deactivated) | Intel |
@Manjunath Ranganathaiah (Deactivated) | Intel |
@Ritu Sood (Deactivated) | Intel |
Welcome new members
22.09 Revised Release Plan Overview
Any readout from last Friday Working Group Call
Proof Point Update
Update on Intern work
We discussed the Revised 22.09 release plan. Ritu Sood gave an overview of the planned items for the release available on the EMCO wiki- EMCO 22.09 Release Features
Related to this item was a brief note that we continue to need to recruit additional developers for the EMCO effort.
A couple of team members are being pulled into strategic projects within their company and so some original release items have been scaled back
In order for the project to advance to Incubation Phase, we also need to demonstrate more Committer Diversity as well
One idea suggested was to publish a backlog of features needed in EMCO with explicit notes on skills needed and help required to commit on the roadmap
We also noted that the marketing Committee has been upgrading the messaging for EMCO and folks have been working on CFP submissions on EMCO to KubeCon, Kubecon Co-located events such as Edge Day, Telco Cloud Day, Intel Network Builders Day0 event at Intel Innovation Sept 26 (ahead of 27th and 28 main event).
We gave an update on the Equinix Proof Point publication- CS is done with the formatting and we are just waiting for final sign off from Equinix Legal on the content. Day for Day on this one.
We noted that the Orange Autonomous Vehicle 5G Relocation PoC Proof Point was just wrapped on on content today and goes to LFN Creative Services next for formatting.
Ritu gave a brief verbal update on the last Friday WOrking group call.
Centered on the EMCO Production release items planned for the 22.09
Also discussed future Update support, state transfer during updates, etc.
GitOps future support
Igor gave an update on the Intern he has been managing. It is a 6 month part time internship that expires in December
Set him up to try deploying EMCO first, which led to numerous notes on documentation and startup/out of box issues that we can/should address
Now successfully deploying apps and compiling notes on that user experience
Also looking at an EMCO API Test Suite that was originally drafted for another purpose for EMCO use
Incudes 100+ API test
CalSoft worked a bit on repurposing it for general EMCO releases some time ago but had not been able to try it out much until the Intern started looking at it.
It was freezing up early in the invocation and he has been working through issues, solving them as he goes.
The test Suite is written in Python, different from EMCO itself, which is written in Go.
Generally happy with the progress and contribution this intern has been making to the EMCO program
Future Agenda items:
Contributor Diversity