TSC Meeting Agenda and Minutes 21Sept2021
@Bob Monkman (Deactivated)ย (Intel)
@LJ Illuzziย (LFN)
@Igor Duarte Cardoso (Deactivated) (Intel)
@Timo Perala (Nokia)
@cathy zhang(Intel)
@Victor Morales (Samsung)
@Amar Kapadiaย (Aarna Networks)
@Oleg Berzin (Equinix)
@Eric Multanen (Deactivated)(Intel)
@Ritu Sood (Deactivated)(Intel)
@Adarsh Chittilappilly(Intel)
@shashikanth.vhย (Huawei)
21 September Agenda is:
Review Open ARs:ย
AR: Cathy & Bob will update theย Governance Page to include Committers initial listย ย
Also need a Contributors file in the repo under version control
We need to arrange the LF License Scan to be done sometime before the 22nd of Sept TAC presoย
AR- Sharad to work with Louis to investigate how to arrange that. Repo needs to be public
AR- Igor was going to do some more research on the issue tracking options and provide insights to help move towards a vote to choose which option we will use
New Agenda Items:ย
Update on TAC Induction- Review the Final draft of the Induction proposal
Seed code. Ready for license scan, need repo to be Public
Discussion to call for a vote on JIRA or alternative for issue tracking
Update from Intel engineering team on seed code CI/CD preparation
EMCO ONE Summit demo
Open Discussion & Next Steps
Future Agenda Items:
Resource needs from LF
Launch Discussions...
EMCO position in 5G Super BluePrint? (Already being used via OpenNESS components, which in fact is in EMCO already)ย
Governance page was update to discuss project roles, definition of Committer and Contributor and initial names are being added today
Repo will be made public today.ย
Contributing File will be put into the repo today (Igor)
Updated the Presentation for the TAC Induction tomorrow Wed Sept 22 0700 am-0800 PDT- meeting info pasted in the chat
Side note: Need to change OpenNESS in 5G SBP slides to EMCO
Igor continues to explore and gather information of the JIRAย & Gitlab Issues options and has a couple of blockers to overcome- will work with Louis
Igor suggests to start document on a wiki page for review prior to a discussion
Team needs to come up with 2022 asks for LF resources (budget) from IT, based on roadmap and what we might need from resource perspective.ย