- CNTT Agenda: CNTT Technical F2F Work Shop, Prague, January 2020
- Day 4 Poll Results: Day 4 - Poll Results.pdf
- LFN Master Calendar: 2019 Prague Developer & Testing Forum Schedule
- Technical Status: CNTT_Status_2019-12-18.pptx
- RI_RC Status: RI_RC Update_12.19.19.pptx
- Governance Status: CNTT_Gov-Status_2019-19-12.pptx
- Rick Tennant (AT&T)
- Michael Fix
- Jisu Park (GSMA)
- Nick Chase (Mirantis)
- Beth Cohen (Verizon)
- speedwyre (AT&T)
- Kelvin Edmison (Nokia)
- Mark Cottrell (AT&T)
- Ian Gardner (Vodafone)
- Rabi Abdel (VF)
- Mark Shostak (AT&T)
- (Orange)
Agenda Topics:
- Anti-Trust Policies
- Walk-On Items - Agenda Bashing
- Recruiting BDM interviews in Prague: Discussion Guide
- Housekeeping
- Next Call -
- GSMA & LFN Updates Heather Kirksey Jisu Park
- Governance Work Streams
- CNTT Technical F2F Work Shop - Prague, January 13-16, 2020
- Register Here
- Day 4 Polling Results | Decision
- Session Assignment Notifications
- CNTT Technical F2F Work Shop - Prague, January 13-16, 2020
- Technology
- Overall Status Rabi Abdel
- CIRV - OPNFV Michael Fix Qiao Fu
- Governance Work streams Overall Status Mark Cottrellspeedwyre
- Parking Lot
- Kubecon readout
CNTT Technical F2F Work Shop - Key Updates:
- Agenda has been updated to align with the LFN 2019 Prague Developer & Testing Forum Schedule
- Includes "Welcome, breaks, lunch, and most "All Hands Events (exception Day 3)"
- Overall CNTT schedule layout:
- Day 1 & 2 - CNTT Plenary Sessions: Community & Work Stream Updates, Key Topics, and Alignment
- Day 3
- CNTT Technical Breakout Sessions
- CNTT Structure Working Session (check agenda for location)
- OPNFV | CNTT Joint Session (11:00 - 17:30)
- Day 4 - Governance Plenary Sessions, including Recruiting, Adoption, Marketing & Communications, Business & Technical Metrics
- ***Community members wanting an understanding & voice in the overall community governance strategies & direction should attend these sessions***