TSC Meeting Zoom link
Meeting Recording
Meeting Chat File
Attendees & Representation. Please add your name to the attendance table below.
Attendees | |
Name | Company |
Daniel Havey | Microsoft |
Dave Thaler | Microsoft |
VK Group | |
Walmart | |
Eric Tice | Wipro |
LF Staff: LJ Illuzzi
Meeting note taker
Welcome to new attendees
- eBPF Package Repository proposal
LFN Induction
- Material development in progress through 02/22. Community input is required: LFN Induction Slide Deck - Draft
- Next review is 02/09 during TSC meeting (02/08 meeting is canceled)
- Developer & Testing Forum (tentative) - March 2022
- Cloud Native eBPF Day Europe - May 2022 (CFP deadline Feb 21)? Call For Proposals (CFP) | Linux Foundation Events
General Topics (cover as needed)
Use Cases
Project structure
Technical Steering Committee
Versioning and release doc - Santhosh
- eBPF Package Repository proposal
- Working on it in different meeting
- LFN induction
- Want to have slide deck complete by Feb 23
- Get to the LFN tech advisory
- Review March 9(?)
- March 16 on agenda for approval
- Discussion around licensing
- Private repos → public (before 23rd)
- Flow exporter
- Other 2 might take longer
- High level goals for cross-project interaction
- Project Governance
- Contributing file and procedures doc
- DCO or CLA set up in GitHub?
- Need to have it
- I believe you go to https://github.com/apps/dco and start with the Configure button on top right.
- DCO runs on a branch. Cannot merge without signing DCO.