TSC Meeting Zoom link
Meeting Recording:
Meeting Chat File:
Attendees & Representation. Please add your name to the attendance table below.
LF Staff: LJ Illuzzi
Meeting note taker
Welcome to new attendees
- TSC Meeting Time Adjustment
- 2023 LFN Events Plan - Heather
- Issue discussion/Dev updates
- R2 Release Management readout
- Walmart Open Sourced Traffic Mirroring - Blog
General Topics (cover as needed)
Use Cases
Project structure
Technical Steering Committee
- TSC Meeting Time Adjustment
- The Daylight Saving Time shift prompted us to re-address the TSC meeting time.
- The following new times have been proposed:
- 8am to 9am PDT/8:30pm to 9:30pm IST
- 9am to 10am PDT/9:30pm/10:30pm IST
- 9:30am to 10:30am PDT/10pm to 11pm IST
- A Doodle Poll has been sent to the community on l3af-tsc@lists.l3af.io. The poll will end on Tuesday 03/28. The new time will take effect with the 03/29 TSC meeting.
- Next question; should meeting time be locked to PDT in which case the meeting time will shift for non-DST locations, or lock it to UTC in which case the weeting time will shift for locations that have DST.
- 2023 LFN Events Plan - Heather
- Issue discussion/Dev updates
- L3AF R2
- L3AFD v2.1
- L3AF on Windows
- R2 Release Management readout
- Outline for progress timeline - next connect.
- Any Other Business
Action Items
- Daniel Havey - media around Traffic Mirroring code is open source. Bring to the MAC
- Media- Jason to draft verbiage and get Walmart signoff
- Dhivya R readout on R2 Release Management
- Santhosh Fernandes https://github.com/l3af-project/eBPF-Package-Repository/issues/4 to resolve
- Daniel Havey Karan Dalal Upcoming Blog discussing open sourcing of Traffic Mirroring. Coordinate with the LFN MAC
- Media- Jason is drafting verbiage and get Walmart signoff