To get VNF vendors more comfortable with the OVP program for VNFs, the plan is to conduct a OVP VNF hacking track at the upcoming LFN DDF/Plugfest. This can hopefully start a virtuous cycle where more VNF vendors means more ONAP in production, which in-turn will drive more VNF vendors to interoperate with ONAP.
The broad tasks are:
- VNF vendor outreach – messaging, EUAG/MAC assistance, webinar, blog
- Test plan creation – test plan for VNF vendors
- Pre-testing – Make ONAP environments available 6 weeks before the event for VNF vendors to do pre-testing before they come to the event
- VNF hacking track – Onsite phase where vendors are free to do as little or as much testing as they feel comfortable with easy access to experts
Lead Volunteers:
High-level status (chronological):
- August-26-2019: CVC green signal to proceed. View presentation.
Lab Resources
The following labs have committed resources to support the hacking track.
Lab Name | Contact | Resources Available | Notes |
UNH-IOL | Lincoln Lavoie <lylavoie@iol.unh.edu |
Test Plan