- Review Interview arrangement status
- Target Interview List (Target NFVI, Target VNF as possible, Interview team: Interviewer, Support/Note taker)
- AT&T (Ryan Van Wyk) - Interviewer; Bob - Support: Nick – Bob Monkman (Deactivated) to contact Kathy Wiegand to schedule, speedwyreto chat with Bob Monkman (Deactivated) about approach
- Orange ( speedwyre to ask Vincen Dano) - Interviewer: ? - Support ?
- RedHat (Chris Wright? Susan) - Interviewer; Bob - Support: ? Bob Monkman (Deactivated) to contact
- Vodafone (Carlos Valero - Interviewer: Nick - Support ? Nick Chase to check with Rabi Abdel
- Verizon (Shrini LastName?) - Interviewer: ? - Support ? need to hear from Beth Cohen
- Mirantis (Milind Gadre) - Interviewer; speedwyre - Support: Nick – Nick Chaseto add to Milind's calendar when ready
- Telstra ( ? ) - Interviewer: Nick - Support: ? – Nick Chase waiting for a response form Walter