Beth Cohen (Verizon)
Scot Steele (AT&T)
Jisu Park (GSMA)
speedwyre (AT&T)
William DIEGO (Orange) (Orange)
Marketing Outreach Exec Interview Status (10 Minutes)
- AT&T Interview Thursday Feb 19 3:00pm CST/1:00 pm PDT
- Orange ( speedwyre has been in contact with Nicolas Homo, Department Director,, Followup scheduled for next week.
- RedHat (Chris Wright? Susan) - Interviewer; Bob - Support: ? Bob Monkman (Deactivated) to contact
- Vodafone (Carlos Valero - Interviewer: Nick - Support ? Nick Chase to contact admin (
- Verizon (Shrini LastName?) - Interviewer: ? - Support ? need to hear from Beth Cohen Verizon is holding off for now.
- Mirantis (Milind Gadre) - Interviewer; speedwyre - Support: Nick – Nick Chaseto add to Milind's calendar when ready
- Telstra ( ? ) - Interviewer: Nick - Support: ? – Nick Chase got a response form Walter and that person should be back this week. Folowup.
- Ericsson ( ? )
- Nokia Bob Monkman (Deactivated) Bob to start working on this...
Marketing Event Discussion (5 Minutes)
- Any plans we want to seek to coordinate for KubeCon EU March30-APr 2
- Gergely, TomK have submitted a paper
- Rabi and Heather had submitted a paper for a panel session, and another one but has just confi
- Open Items for ONES North America to discuss
- Keynote fleshing out?
- Panel Participants lined up for proposed Panel session? Maybe this is pending CFP selection process to confirm we have a spot?
- Bob Monkman (Deactivated) still needs to discuss with Red Hat
- White paper
Meeting notes:
Quick agenda bashing. Add topic for Master governance workstream for the GSMA. Updates on Interviews with senior people from key organizations. Some of them have been scheduled, more coming.
Business & Technical Metrics Timeline Review (15-20 minutes)
20200204 [CNTT - BTM] - Agenda & Meeting Minutes
Working Key Metrics Deck (From Prague): 20200106 [CNTT - BTM] - Agenda & Meeting Minutes
Recruiting and Adoption Discussion (15 minutes)
Continue discussion on Alpha Reference Compliance options- Red Hat still discussing being NFVI alpha test option?
New Member Recruiting Update?