This document is divided into two sections. The first section is focusing on the baremetal node installer & the second section on the Kubernetes/software installers.
Bare-Metal Node Provisioner
This section describes how to set up and configure a bare metal provisioner for RI-2. These investigations could be used as an input to the wiki of RI-2.
Provisioning is the operation of installing OS on a given infrastructure before the software stack can be installed on them. For the purpose of these investigations, a former OPNFV baremetal provisioner XCI, now referred to as Cloud Infra Automation Framework and hosted by Nordix Labs [1] is used.
This framework uses Bifrost for provisioning virtual and baremetal nodes and supports online and offline deployments. Bifrost is a set of Ansible playbooks that automates the task of deploying a base image onto a set of known hardware using ironic [2].
Lab Requirements
The lab is hosted in OPNFV and is setup in accordance with the lab principles/requirements defined in CNTT RI-2 Chapter 3.
Provisioner Requirements
Before initiating a deployment, two configuration templates, referred to as POD Descriptor File (PDF) and Installer Descriptor File (IDF) in OPNFV terminology need to be defined. Both PDF and IDF files are modelled as yaml schema.
A PDF is a hardware configuration template that includes hardware characteristics of the jumphost node & the set of compute/controller nodes. For each node, the following characteristics should be defined:
- CPU, disk & memory information
- Remote management parameters
- Network interfaces list including name, MAC address, IP address, link speed
IDF extends the PDF with the network information required by the installer. All the networks along with possible VLAN, DNS and gateway information should be defined here.
After ensuring that the lab and provisioner requirements are met, generate SSH keypair, add user to the sudo group & have passwordless sudo enabled. After this the deployment can be initiated by cloning the repo, navigating to the engine directory & running the deploy command
git clone
cd engine/engine
./ -p file:///<pdf.yaml> -i file:///<idf.yaml> -l provision
Currently, all the tests are done on Ubuntu 18.04.
The engine supports offline deployment as well. <Steps to follow>
After the successful completion of the deployment, one can run software provisioning tooling from CNF Testbed or Intel’s BMRA playbooks to configure and install k8s (& other plugins) on the provisioned nodes.
Bare-Metal Software Provisioner
CNF Testbed tooling
After the nodes are provisioned, one can run software provisioning tooling from CNF Testbed to setup and configure Kubernetes. Prior to running the tooling, the host networking & internet connectivity for the nodes needs to be configured manually (* for now).
In order to support offline installation, support needs to to be added in the CNF Testbed repo (to pick up the correct packages, etc.)
Intel BMRA tooling
Current state - Need to evaluate if the current BMRA specs and requirements are good for near term because of Python 2 being EOL, and if there are plans to update it in the BMRA roadmap. In the meantime, package the playbooks in containers & evolve the BM engine to deploy it to resolve dependency issues.