Bob Monkman (Deactivated) (Intel)
Agenda Bashing
White paper status
Name change – Cloud iNfrastructure Telco Taskforce (CNTT)
Other launch plan issues
ESTI Plugtest
Marketing Plan Deliverables
1) White Paper Review plan Bob Monkman (Deactivated)
2) Status on Baldy Blog Nick Chase
a) Need copy by May 21 ideally- Promote May 27 webinar
3) Status on Web Landing Page copy Nick Chase
a) Need Copy by May 21 ideally
4) Webinar status Rabi Abdel Bob Monkman (Deactivated)
a) Need Draft by May 20 ideally
Outstanding ARs
- Bob Monkman (Deactivated) to check on Intel Pod for ETSI PlugTest
- Scot Steele Bob Monkman (Deactivated) to work with Pierre Lynch [Keysight] to coordinate for whether we can do any VNF Testing at ETSI PlugTest, recruit VNF vendors participants