Please add your name in here:
- Rabi Abdel (Vodafone)
- Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)
- Beth Cohen (Verizon)
- Pankaj.Goyal(AT&T)
- Cédric Ollivier (Orange)
- Scot Steele (AT&T)
- Tomas Fredberg [Ericsson] (Ericsson)
- Ulrich Kleber (Huawei)
- @Bill (Kubermatic)
- Karine Sevilla (Orange)
- @Rihab Banday (Ericsson)
- Toshi Wakayama (KDDI)
Agenda and Minutes:
- Recording Policies:
- Recording:
- Anti-Trust Policies:
- Walk-in Items.
- Join Linked In group and promote it:
- Technical Steering Topics
- What should TSC be working on next:
- Gaps, areas of improvement, suggestions, etc.
- vF2F:
- update from Scot Steele .
- teamup bage here:
- Please add your materials into: 2020 June Virtual LFN Developer & Testing Forum Topic Proposals
- All slides be in there by 9:00 AM pacific time this Friday.
- What should TSC be working on next:
- Review Current AI.
- Updates from Officers Items:
- Chief Technical Editor:
- ONAP Technical Coordinator:
- OPNFV Technical Coordinator:
- CNCF Technical Coordinator:
- CVC Technical Coordinator:
- Automation and Tooling:
- ONF: Open Networking Foundation.
Current Action Items:
Task report
Looking good, no incomplete tasks.