Al Morton Mike Lazar djhunt Emma Foley Bob Monkman (Deactivated) Timothy Verrall (Deactivated) Jim Baker zygmunt_lozinski Casey Cain
- Introductions
- Discussed first task of gathering input from other organizations - caution expressed by Bob Monkman (Deactivated) to not wait too long for standards org to unify around a list as it will take too long
- Jim Baker to check with Heather Kirksey on LF efforts and Linux Kernel
- IETF is working on Best Current Practice document. Here is version 4: zygmunt_lozinskiwill try to find IETF contacts working on this to get the current status
- Bob Monkman (Deactivated) will check on ONF's efforts
- Discussion around how new terminology can be more technically accurate while avoiding biased language
- Bob Monkman (Deactivated) will also bring this working group's outputs back into the MAC
- Discussion on candidate terminology to replace:
- master/slave
- blacklist/whitelist
- blackbox/whitebox
- Meetings to be held every other Wednesday at 1400 UTC.
- Casey Cainto schedule recurring meeting & Zoom bridge