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9.5 Automation
9.5.1 Infrastructure LCM Automation ( including Platform Software and CI/CD)
End-2-End understanding of what type of automation ought to be done on what layers and includes hardware configuration CI/CD networking automation software development CI/CD software deployment CI/CD (operator environment) Identify "Closed Loop Automation" as a Gap in Ch10
9.5.2 Workload onboarding automation (including CI/CD) workload onboarding automation - the scope for RM is to describe support only but leave the details to RA/RI;
The Cloud Infrastructure workload onboarding process describes activities needed for the integration of tenants' workloads into the Cloud Infrastructure production environment. Typically, this business process consists of the following key phases:
- Tenant Engagement and Workload Evaluation:
- In this phase the request from the tenant to host a workload on the Cloud Infrastructure platform is assessed and a decision made on whether to proceed with the hosting request.
- This phase may also involve the tenant accessing a pre-staging environment to perform their own evaluation and/or pre-staging activities in preparation for later onboarding phases. RM will state the requirements including for CI/CD for ensuring software security scans, image integrity checks, OS version checks, etc. prior to deployment -
- the tenant processes for application LCM (such as updates) are out of scope