Internship Projects/Mentors
ODL CI/CD toolchain, as most of the LFN ones, is based on Jenkins which has developed new key features around Kubernetes not yet implemented by ODL (more generally LFN).
As part of ODL IT modernization, the proposal here is to update our system by switching from agents running on baremetal or on virtual machines to containers running on a Kubernetes cluster.
The clear first benefit is to make sure that resources are used effectively when testing our patchsets and when building our distributions.
But, as important, it also enforces clean isolation between jobs and increase the capability to troubleshot the continuous integration issues more easily.
It should be noted that this topic was also discussed during LFN Events in Anuket tracks and many project could be very interested in these actions.
Additional Information
Learning Objectives
The intern will gain experience in open source and knowledge in many trendy technologies (e.g. Kubernetes) and practices (e.g. CI/CD) .
Expected Outcome
To build a proof of concept highlighting the feasability to ODL TSC and LFN IT
To develop first jobs running in ODL Continuous Integration toolchain
To list any blocking issues to a full ODL job migration
Relation to LF Networking
This project is related to OpenDaylight but all outcomes would benefit Anuket, ONAP, et al. which have deployed the same Continuous Intergration architecture.
Education Level
- GNU/Linux
- Docker
- Kubernetes (nice to have)
- Jenkins (nice to have)
Future plans
Communicate to all related LFN project all benefits and help them move
Preferred Hours and Length of Internship
20 hours a week for 24 weeks
Mentor(s) Names and Contact Info
Cédric Ollivier <> (Cédric Ollivier )