Merge Request Reviews
- License: https://gitlab.com/lfnetworking/cvc/anuket-assured-docs/-/merge_requests/3
- Merged
- 2021.r1 Release Requirements: https://gitlab.com/lfnetworking/cvc/anuket-assured-docs/-/merge_requests/
- Need the release name / nomenclature
- Needs some further review, Yan Yang is going to take a pass this week.
- Heather Kirksey to follow up with LFN marketing on the release naming for the AAP (i.e. year.month or something more clever).
Results Repos
- There were concerns raised during an Anuket Marketing meeting about results access / permissions within the Gitlab Repos. We need to review the plan of action to ensure everyone is on the same page.
- Current Plan for Record: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11jDyCbwYSvpnb3zhb5sVRF9GODnF6n9agEy9ngHaRKI/edit#slide=id.p1
- Proposed results information models: Test Results Information Model
- Results are not globally public, but are accessible to the program participants (i.e. companies that have signed the LFN legal agreements required for participants of the program).
- Lincoln Lavoie to add proposed directory structure and sample results submission to the results sandbox repo (https://gitlab.com/lfnetworking/cvc/anuket-assured-results-sandbox)
Any other business
- Next Meeting: Monday, July 26, 2021