The scope of this seat will include, but not be limited to:
The role of the AI SME is to work with project TSCs, the TAC, and the LFNGB to facilitate and accelerate the adoption of AI technologies by LFN projects.
Advise the TAC on AI related issues.
Assist in incubating AI projects within the LFN umbrella
The AI SME will identify across open source AI technologies and provide action recommendations. That may include:
AI Initiatives within the LFN
LF AI and Data projects and initiatives
Other adjacent open source communities
Industry at large
Serve as a liaison between the TAC and the AI Task Force
During the lifetime of the AI Task Force
Provide subject matter expertise to the TAC.
Election Mechanics
How to nominate yourself
The election process occurs in two phases: the Nomination phase and the Election phase.
Self Nomination Phase
Individuals interested in running for this position must edit this wiki page with their biography and statement of intent on why you would be a good person to hold this position (Information on Candidates)
The nomination phase starting and will conclude on 18:00 PT (02:00 UTC).
Election Phase
If multiple nominees come forward, an election will be conducted as follows:
Voting Method:
A Condorcet election using a ranked-choice voting platform administered by the Linux Foundation.
All TAC members will receive an invitation to vote via email.
The election phase will begin with the distribution of the voting instructions.
Voting will remain open for four (4) full business days from the time the poll is initiated (typically in the PDT time zone).
Information on Candidates
Short Biography:
Statement of Intent: