Documents & Collateral
eBPF Day India - IISc Bangalore. March 16,2024
L3AF Presentation-
Open Source virtual event @Infosys - OSPO CodeCon 2023, July 2023
L3AF Introduction, eBPF technology and Demo
Presenter : @Ajay
Session Presentation:
Recording :
LFN Developer & Testing Forum, June 2023:
Use Case: L3AF: Integration with 5G-UPF (User Plane Function)
Presentation: L3AF Integration with 5G-UPF.pdf
June D&TF YouTube Channel:
L3AF Integration with 5G-UPF (User Plane Function)
L3AF introduces a comprehensive UPF architecture with support for hooks through AF_XDP. This allows developers to integrate custom multiple eBPF programs to enhance packet processing capabilities, offering greater control and flexibility in handling network traffic.
The L3AF approach brings several advantages; it enables developers to create multiple eBPF programs to enhance UPF functionality, resulting in efficient packet processing and improved network performance. Additionally, L3AF provides horizontal and vertical scaling options, allowing the deployment of multiple UPFs with multiple eBPF programs.
A Proof of Concept, lead by NgKore, demonstrates the Integration of L3AF with 5G-UPF (User Plane Function)
Links to Collateral:
Technical Presentation: L3AF: Integration with 5G-UPF(User Plane Function)
Blog- Open Sourcing of Traffic Mirroring, May 2023:
Relevance of eBPF to LF-ANUKET - Proposal to collaborate:
Cloud Native eBPF Day Europe, May 2022:
LFN Developer & Testing Forum, January 2022:
L3AF Blog Series:
October 2021 Press Release:
ONE Summit- October 2021: Introducing L3AF, a Platform to Launch and Manage eBPF Programs
eBPF Summit Video (August 2021):
Logo files- L3AF Logo Zip
L3AF Power Point Template - L3AF_PPT.pptx
LFN Developer & Testing Forum, January 2022:
Technical Charter Updated - Technical Charter - Updated