LFN Developer Forum Schedule

LFN Developer Forum Schedule

Developer Forum Speaker's Guide

The goal of the plenary sessions is to cover topics that are of interest across all LFN communities before breaking into separate breakout sessions for fd.ioODLONAP, and OPNFV

 Monday (March 26, 2018)

Room: Wilshire I (X-Project Efforts)

Room: Hancock Park (SDOs)

Room: Echo Park (Containers) 

Room: K-Town (Use Cases & Misc) 

Developer Forum Kickoff




Lessons Learned: Integration, From the Cradle to the Stage (Robyn Bergeron, Daniel Farrell, Monty Taylor, Gildas Lanilis, Fatih Degirmenci)

Collaboration between Open Source (ONAP) and SDO for SDN/NFV modeling/API (Phil Robb, Hui Deng, Lingli Deng Jenny Huang (TMF), Klaus Martiny (ZSM), Dan Pitt (MEF))

Building Cloud Native, Web Scale, Deployable VNFs with Service Mesh Architecture (Wenjing Chu, Jia Xuan,