2020 June Virtual LFN Developer & Testing Forum Topic Proposals

2020 June Virtual LFN Developer & Testing Forum Topic Proposals

Please add your daily session summaries here

Info for Presenters here

Uploaded recordings here

Community submitted tips for advertising, planning, and managing your topics may be found here.

Please use the Sample Topic below to post your topic proposal in the appropriate section.  Using the key words listed in red of each section in the title of your topic proposal will help ensure that it is linked in each community section automatically.

<Sample Topic Title>

  • Short Description:  One line description of topic

  • Detailed Description: Detailed description of topic

  • Topic Leader(s): name 1, name 2, ...

  • Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): name1, name2

  • Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): name1

  • Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions):  You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.

  • Expected duration: 30 mins/1 hour

Cross-Community / General Topics

Please include "Plenary" in your Topic Proposal Title to help with Table of Contents filtering

Plenary - June 2020 vDTF Welcome and Kickoff

Plenary - "Ask Me Anything" NEW June 25

  • Topic Leaders: Arpit Joshipura, Junlan Feng, Jonne Soininen
  • Short Description:  This is an unstructured "Ask Me Anything" drop-in session
  • Detailed Description:
    • Arpit Joshipura is the General Manager of Networking, IoT and Edge at the Linux Foundation
    • Dr. Junlan Feng is Chief Scientist, China Mobile Research and Chair of the LFN Governing Board
    • Jonne Soininen, is the Head of Open Source Initiatives at Nokia and LFN Governing Board, LFN Treasurer & Chair of the LFN Strategic Planning Committee

Plenary - LFN Cross Community demos and integration - TAC Whitepaper follow-up

Plenary - Reference CNF development journey and outcomes

  • Short Description:  Deep dive session for sharing lessons learned during the testing and implementation of a CNF.

  • Detailed Description: Transforming VNFs to CNFs requires many considerations. Some of them are related with the architecture of the application (e.g. use of micro-services instead of monolithic architecture) and others refer to the proper usage of the container's toolset (Docker, Docker-Compose, Kubernetes, Multus, Flannel, Helm, etc.) . This session covers lessons learned discovered during the implementation and validation of the go-gtp CNF used by the CNCF Testbed project. The audience will get familiar with the CNF used along this journey. The relevant resources such as Helm charts and images will be shared so they might be used as a reference model for a CNF by some of the LFN projects dealing with CNF on-boarding and orchestration. People from the ONAP, OPNFV and CNTT communities might find this information relevant to their projects.
  • Topic Leader(s): Victor Morales
  • Schedule: https://teamup.com/event/show/id/xesZAnh1b1tUTL8Vr4DcmKXMYqtkgT
  • Slides: 
  • Recording

Plenary - PaaS with XGVela

Plenary – Intro to Open Source and LFN

  • Short Description:  Overview of of open source participation at a high level as well as an overview of LFN's structure

  • Detailed Description: Much of the event will rightly be focused on deep dives and moving the ball forward on specific work items, but for new members, new folks at existing members, and interns, some background context and overall shaping of how progress occurs in such a large and diverse community can be quite useful. 
  • Topic Leader(s): Heather Kirksey
  • Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): Heather Kirksey (Note this session is intended to be more informative than one spinning up a ton of action items)
  • Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Heather Kirksey
  • Schedulehttps://teamup.com/event/show/id/2akgoUV1vpWbkmNAtX23zpgGMB5JA7
  • Minuteshttps://lf-networking.atlassian.net/wiki/x/Nvnu

Plenary – LFN Cross-Community Discussions - Shift to Release Train?

Plenary - GSMA Edge Computing projects

  • Short Description:  An introduction to the Operator Platform and Telco Edge Cloud activities in GSMA

  • Detailed Description: The GSMA is running two projects that focus on delivering Edge Computing/Cloud capabilities in operator networks. This session would provide an introduction to those activities which could form the basis for a discussion how those would relate to the Edge computing activities in LFN and how to cooperate and avoid duplicate work.
  • Topic Leader(s): Juan Carlos Garcia (To be confirmed),Tom Van Pelt (Deactivated)
  • Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): TBD - Looking for volunteers
  • Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): TBD - Looking for volunteers
  • Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions):  TBD - Looking for volunteers
  • Expected duration: 45min (presentation can be adapted to allocated time)

Plenary - Cooperative exploration between open source and standards regarding testing

  • Short Description: Cooperative exploration and discussion between open source and standards regarding testing and certification

  • Detailed Description:  This sesion plan covers the following topics:  1. LFN CVC and VNF Progress  2. ETSI NFV Plugtests Introduction 3. CMCC's efforts on automated testing in LFN and ETSI NFV 4. LFN VTP test platfrom and the test it supporting   5.Cooperative exploration and discussion between LFN CVC and ETSI NFV
  • Topic Leader(s): Yan Yang Lincoln Lavoie (To be confirmed) @Michele Carignani  @Silvia Almagia Kanag
  • Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Yan Yang
  • Expected duration:  90 min (presentation can be adapted to allocated time)
  • Schedulehttps://teamup.com/event/show/id/3DQKvqmDqrmmaVsngsjw7uLuC4BRR1
  • Minuteshttps://lf-networking.atlassian.net/wiki/x/Vvnu
  • Recording

Plenary - Cloud Native in Telecom Cloud

Plenary - OVP Status and Evolution

  • Short Description:  Provide an update on the current status of the OVP programs and discuss some key topics on the evolution of the programs.

  • Detailed Description: Provide an update to the community on the current status of the OVP programs and the latest 2019.12 release, followed by discussions of open questions for the evolution of the programs.  Questions / Discussions: 1) Some operator participants have suggested updates to the review process and teams may help encourage more vendors to participate in the programs, by limiting expose of test results to competitors.  How can we evolve the programs to best meet the needs of the participants, while protecting their investments in their implementations?  2) As the programs evolve, there may be more optional test cases or levels of testing, especially within the Cloud Native testing of CNFs.  In these cases, how should the listings of the programs evolve to enabled external viewers to clearly understand what has been tested for each badge? For example, should a "badge record" include some type of report or documentation of what test cases were run? 3) How to deal with previous releases of OVP, and how "long" of a tail should be officially supported?
  • Topic Leader(s): Lincoln Lavoie Yan Yang Rabi Abdel Trevor Lovett
  • Schedulehttps://teamup.com/event/show/id/n3NNnycuD6XdjEDth4WaLTekum1NSH
  • Minutes:  https://lf-networking.atlassian.net/wiki/x/VPnu 
  • Recording  Note - starts after session was already about half over

Plenary - Help Recruit more Developers to LFN Projects!

Plenary - Testing Telecom workload and platform adherence to cloud native principles 

  • Short Description:  Intro to the CNF Conformance suite and current status with testing CNF microservices and plans for platform testing.

  • Detailed Description: In this session we will review the plan and current progress for the CNF Conformance initiative as well as a walk through on how it can be used to test a CNF microservice. In addition to testing your CNF we will also cover how you can contribute to the project. There will be time for Q&A and discussion. 
  • Topic Leader(s): Taylor Carpenter
  • Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): Lucina Stricko, and TBD - Looking for volunteers
  • Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): TBD - Looking for volunteers
  • Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions):  TBD - Looking for volunteers
  • Expected duration: 45min (presentation can be adapted to allocated time

ONAP Topics

Please include "ONAP" in your Topic Proposal Title to help with Table of Contents filtering

ONAP - Best practices for updating software components 

  • Short Description:  MTTU for open source vs. reality and steps taken to implement best practices in this area 

  • Detailed Description: Processes implemented to assure best possible outcome in the security domain including: base images recommendation, Java and Python upgrades and components packages upgrades
  • Topic Leader(s): Pawel Pawlak @ Amy Zwarico
  • Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): name1, name2
  • Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Pawel Pawlak
  • Presentation Materials: 2020-06-23-BestPracticesForUpgradingComponents.pptx
  • Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions):  You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.
  • Expected duration: 30 minutes

ONAP - EUAG operator survey and in depth analysis on consumption model and recommendation

  • Short Description:  An in depth analysis of EUAG survey on various onap consumption models and learnings, recommendations

  • Detailed Description: EUAG has undertaken an operator survey on onap and various consumption models. We would like to present our recommendations in this one of a kind surgery
  • Topic Leader(s): @atulpurohit Vodafone @lei CMCC @lei
  • Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): name1, name2
  • Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): name1
  • Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions):  You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.
  • Expected duration: 1 hour

ONAP - Frankfurt Post Mortem

  • Short Description:  Discussion of what did and did not work for the Frankfurt release

  • Detailed Description: This session is a pre-requisite for the Guilin TSC Prioritization discussion

  • Topic Leader(s): David McBride

  • Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time):  Kenny Paul

  • Presentation materials:  
  • Minutes: 2020 June vDTF ONAP Frankfurt Post Mortem
  • Recording

ONAP - Guilin TSC Prioritization

ONAP - Closed Loop Target Reference Architecture and Rel G steps

ONAP - Policy Framework Project Guilin Prioritization

  • Short Description: The ONAP Policy Project working session to prioritize Guilin requirements

  • Detailed Description (under construction):

    • TODO

  • Topic Leader(s): Pamela Dragosh

  • Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): Policy Contributor (TBD)

  • Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Policy Contributor (TBD)

  • Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions):  Policy Contributor (TBD)

  • Expected duration: 30 mins

ONAP - A1 adapter in OSC and ONAP

ONAP - Configuration & Persistency Service - Overview & Applications

  • Short Description: Overview of Configuration & Persistency Service (C&PS) project & applications

  • Detailed Description:

    • Overview presentation on Configuration & Persistency Service (C&PS) project. Presentations on Model driven C&PS, State Management, OOF/SON/PCI and E2E Network Slicing applications of C&PS.

  • Presentation Slides:
  • Topic Leader(s): Benjamin Cheung Ciaran Johnston  Bruno Sakoto  Tony Finnerty  Joanne Liu Rudel

  • Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): Tony Finnerty

  • Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Joanne Liu Rudel

  • Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions):  Benjamin Cheung

  • Expected duration: 60 mins

ONAP - 5G & PNF Use Case Overview

  • Short Description: Overview of 5G (RAN) and PNF Use Cases

  • Detailed Description:

    • An overview, update and Q&A of the 5G (RAN) and PNF use cases. These include the 5G Service Modeling, A1 adaptor, E2E Network Slicing, PNF Plug and Play, PNF Pre-onboarding, CMPv2.

  • Presentation Slides: R75GPNFUseCasesDDF-22Jun2020v2.pdf
  • Topic Leader(s): Benjamin Cheung  Vimal Begwani

  • Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): Benjamin Cheung

  • Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Vimal Begwani

  • Recording

ONAP - Docs migration 

  • Short Description: Walkthrough of the doc migration. 

  • Detailed Description: We will wrap up the docs migration. Welcoming questions and feedback. We will also work with potential issues if projects still report.

  • Topic Leader(s): Sofia Wallin Jessica Gonzalez

  • Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): @both

  • Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Sofia Wallin

  • Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Sofia Wallin

  • Expected duration: 60 mins

ONAP - vFW CNF usecase evolution

  • Short Description Presentation of current CNF instantiation capabilities as of Frankfurt ONAP release and its possible near-future improvements.
  • Detailed Description: This presentation covers Frankfurt changes for CNFs handling in ONAP that are verified by vFW CNF CDS usecase. Last changes provide improvements across modeling and instantiation among other things, integration with Macro instantiation workflow, Controler Design Studio, multi vf-module (multi helm package) CNF design and dynamic enrichment of helm package. Implemented changes lead to more user-friendly use-case execution and allow seamless instantation of many customized CNFs based on the same helm package. Presentation will also cover possible further improvements in Guilin release.

ONAP - Documentation guide 

  • Short Description: Revise the documentation guide

  • Detailed Description: The documentation guide needs to be updated and reflect current ways of working. We will use this session to coordinate and plan the work. 

  • Topic Leader(s): Sofia Wallin and Eric Debeau

  • Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): Eric Debeau

  • Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Sofia Wallin

  • Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Sofia Wallin

  • Expected duration: 60 mins

ONAP - Requirements Traceability:  Initial Request through TSC Approval

ONAP - CNF Orchestration through ONAP 

ONAP - Multi Tenancy a quick glance on Guilin scope

ONAP - Modeling Subcommittee Meeting

ONAP - Requirements Subcommittee meeting and presentation of Guilin planned work

  • Short Description: The ONAP Requirements Subcommittee working session and presentation of Guilin work

  • Detailed Description (under construction):

  • Topic Leader(s): Alla.Goldner

  • Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): TBD

  • Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Alla.Goldner 

  • Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions):  TBD

  • Expected duration: 2 hours

ONAP - Standards-defined notifications collection with stndDefined VES domain

  • Short Description:  Extending ONAP VES Event Listener with capability to collect and validate events defined by industry standards groups (e.g. 3GPP).

  • Detailed Description

    • OVERVIEW - As part of ONAP -  3GPP Harmonization efforts, an approach has been evaluated, which allows collecting standards organization defined notifications in ONAP.

    • SOLUTION - This approach allows ONAP-enabled operators to benefit from the notifications created by a large variety of devices and applications, aligned with standards in their own domain.
    • SOFTWARE IMPACT - The main goal is to make sure that ONAP and other standards could evolve their notifications independently.
    • STANDARDS - Initial release focuses on collection aspect for 3GPP defined 5G notifications, while it is possible to include other types of notifications in operator`s environment.
  • Topic Leader(s): damian.nowak marge.hillis Oskar Malm Vimal Begwani

  • Scribe: Benjamin Cheung

  • Moderator:  marge.hillis

  • Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions):  marge.hillis Benjamin Cheung damian.nowak

  • Expected duration: 45-60 mins

ONAP - Set up Kubernetes ENV guide in Ubuntu

ONAP - vFWCL debug Guide

ONAP - Modern Approach to implement VF creating in SDC

ONAP - Model Driven Configuration and Persistency Service PoC Deep Dive

  • Short Description:  Presentation of the concepts, rationale and plan for a model driven configuration and persistence service in ONAP

  • Detailed Description: Detailed description of topic
  • Topic Leader(s): Ciaran Johnston, @tony finnerty, @toine siebelink, ...
  • Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): @tony finnerty
  • Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Ciaran Johnston
  • Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions):  Ciaran Johnston
  • Expected duration: 45 minutes - 1 hour
  • Presentation: DDF_CPS_PoC.pdf


  • Short Description:  Python ONAP SDK state of work

  • Detailed Description: Python ONAP SDK is a project which can make testing and working with ONAP easier. During the presentation I want to show what is currently possible to do using Python ONAP SDK and talk about roadmap
  • Topic Leader(s): Michał Jagiełło
  • Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): Marek Szwałkiewicz
  • Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Michał Jagiełło
  • Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions):  Michał Jagiełło
  • Expected duration: 30 mins
  • Presentation:
  • Recording: Python ONAP SDK

ONAP - E2E Network Slicing Session 1


ONAP - E2E Network Slicing Session 2

  • Short Description:  NSSMF Implementation within ONAP

  • Detailed Description: In