2020 June vDTF ONAP Frankfurt Post Mortem

2020 June vDTF ONAP Frankfurt Post Mortem

Attendees @Kenny Paul @David McBride @Heather Kirksey @LJ Illuzzi @Jessica Gonzalez

@andrea visnyei, @Andreas Geißler , @ChrisC ,  @Ciaran Johnston , @damian.nowak , @Dan Timoney ,  "deepak", @rouzaut , @jaroslaw brzezinski, @Kamel Idir , @Ken KANISHIMA , @Liam Fallon ,  @Marc Price ,  @Gervais-Martial Ngueko , @Michael Morris , @minh phan, @Morgan Richomme , @pawel solwikowski, @Raghavan Subramanian , @Rajendra Mishra , @sebastien determe, @Sofia Wallin , @Narayanasetty Sowmya , @Sylvain Desbureaux , @Takamune Cho , @Thomas Kulik , @Timo Perala , @Vasyl Razinkov , @veronica quintuna,  @Vijay Kumar , @Xin Miao



  • @Heather Kirksey remember "blame free" - how would we do it differently next time.  This is not "incident triage" 

  • Schedule changes

    • @David McBride will have a more defined schedule change tracking next time that will include reason for slips.

    • @Heather Kirksey a 35 day slip isn't a big deal, concerned about 7 slips to get there - impacted multiple press and industry publications, requiring staff to actually postpose vacations 

  • E2E testing

    • @Morgan Richomme usecases that are using existing existing functionality. Can't proceed with testing until usecase dockers  with new functionality are made available.

      • Usecase owners may not have the full view at the start of the process. 

      • Real bugfixes for new usecases didn't really occur until May 14

      • @damian.nowak not getting containers in a timely fashion was a challenge. propose release at every milestone, whether feature is ready or not.

      • need to move to a more true CI/CD model 

    • a more streamlines self release process would be better.

      • branch tag should trigger processes

      • @Jessica Gonzalez notes that self-release is tooled across all the LF, so changes need to be looked at holistically

  • Jira assignments

    • excluded non-participating projects, OSJI, Archcom, etc.

    • @ M4 still have more than 500 open bugs

    • @Sylvain Desbureaux difficult to scrub many bugs that were from previous releases.

  • Recommendations

    • limit new usecase requirements per release

    • set max t-shirt level based upon resource availability

    • reject poorly documented proposals

    • prioritize jiras assigned to a release

    • at RC0 usecase teams should report out what tests have been run and the total number of tests run and the number of pending tests 

  • El Alto process improvement processes

    • many tests moved to gating process

    • robot healthchecks have been improved

    • more projects added to the CI pipeline


@Morgan Richomme provide @Jessica Gonzalez with a proposed workflow for an enhanced self-release process.