EUAG 2020-05-05 Meeting notes


May 5, 2020 


LF Staff: @Brandon Wick @Jim Baker
Committee Members: @Atul Purohit  @Alessandro D'Alessandro  @Cecilia Corbi  @Javier Ger  @Ken KANISHIMA  @Ryan Hallahan  @Vincent Colas  @Lei Huang  @Marc-Alexandre Choquette
Guests: @Fernando Oliveira @Scott Blandford


  • Start the Recording

  • Antitrust Policy

  • Agenda Bashing (Roll Call, Action Items (5 minutes)

  • General Topics

    • White Paper Completed! Review process

    • Release G Prioritization and integration of NFV testing automation survey

    • CNTT requirements/engagement @Beth Cohen

    • LFN GB review of ONAP adoption survey

    • Next steps for EUAG

    • AOB


White paper

  • Final review in process

  • Solution provider perspectives were removed in current draft

    • feedback from Dr. Feng at LFN GB asked why there was no perspectives from soln providers

    • Potentially release WP now and update in the future w insight from service providers (case studies)

    • LF in review stage of WP and has been shared with LFN board

      • LFN recommendation: Release current version and update with a phase 2 - perhaps in latter half of 2020

  • Ryan H perspective - has feedback that was not provided earlier

    • Fairly lengthy - needs trimming - eg. section 3 might be cut

    • No specific conclusions stated

    • Some items labeled "EUAG recommends" - Ryan doesn't feel these recommendations were adequately discussed

      • Ryan suggests saying "Survey indicates" rather than "EUAG recommends"

  • To add the contributors names

  • Promotional webinar based on the whitepaper - live webinar using zoom and a set of contributors

ONAP release G priorities

CNTT requirements

  • @Beth Cohen  Not present - defer topic

Action items

Ryan to provide some specific recommendations for streamlining WP May 8, 2020 
Ryan to review the EUAG recommends sections and suggest specific edits  May 8, 2020 
Atul/Ryan craft a conclusions section May 8, 2020