EUAG 2020-06-16 Meeting notes
Jun 16, 2020
LF Staff: @Brandon Wick @Jim Baker @LJ Illuzzi @Kenny Paul
Committee Members: @Cecilia Corbi @Javier Ger @Ken KANISHIMA @Atul Purohit @Gerald Kunzmann @Fernando Oliveira @Vincent Colas @Ryan Hallahan @Lei Huang @Saad Ullah Sheikh
Guests: @Scott Blandford
Start the Recording
Agenda Bashing (Roll Call, Action Items (5 minutes)
General Topics
Release G priority discussion deck @Atul Purohit
Step 1 : Create an XLS from requirements that we have received so far
Step 2 : Do a correlation activity between received requirements and what has been proposed on release G pages in Confluence
Step 3 : We need to track the commitment for each requirements and mark in against the requirements in EUAG requirements priority xls
Is there EUAG BEYOND ONAP? @Jim Baker
I've had community members asking me if the advisory group advises anything other than ONAP?
What does it take to move beyond ONAP?
Release G priority discussion
White paper final copy produced - final review all comments due Jun 17, 2020 noon PDT
Publishing plans and websites
Links will be sent out once the white paper is posted - please cross-share the links to the white paper
LFN Virtual event week of Jun 22, 2020
will be presenting an overview of the whitepaper @ the vDTF 2020 June Virtual LFN Developer & Testing Forum Topic Proposals
July webinar
The LFN MAC coordinates a webinar series and EUAG is proposing a 1 hr. webinar of the whitepaper later in July
@Ahmed El Sawaf has agreed to provide the bridge between CNTT and EUAG
More on this topic in the next meeting
VNF testing automation survey
6 responses so far - please add your ideas:
Hoping to get double-digits response
Release G requirements
Summarized in a spreadsheet for reviewing Release G Consolidated Requirements-16June2020.xlsx
Received requirements from: Swisscom/TIM/STC/Vodafone/Orange/China Mobile/NTT Labs/Bell Canada/AT&T/Telecom Argentina
Also need to prioritize the EUAG requirements AND represent the requirements in the ONAP TSC calls
@Kenny Paul reminded the EUAG that the primary source of influence is allocation of resources
it was noted that the "what resources are you. contributing" column in the requirements summary got dropped from the spreadsheet for RelG
EUAG beyond ONAP
EUAG was formed when several of the projects had their own advisory group, ONAP did not have one
How can we grow the understanding of the projects and EUAG representation of each
Too much for any person to be familiar with all of the LFN Projects - Probably need to have subgroups
Proposal: round-robin project review- similar to TAC review, but geared to a different audience that may no know about a project.
How can EUAG help your community?
What feedback would be most valuable to your project?
Action items