EUAG 2020-06-16 Meeting notes


Jun 16, 2020


LF Staff: @Brandon Wick  @Jim Baker  @LJ Illuzzi  @Kenny Paul
Committee Members: @Cecilia Corbi @Javier Ger  @Ken KANISHIMA @Atul Purohit  @Gerald Kunzmann  @Fernando Oliveira @Vincent Colas @Ryan Hallahan @Lei Huang  @Saad Ullah Sheikh
Guests: @Scott Blandford


  • Start the Recording

  • Antitrust Policy

  • Agenda Bashing (Roll Call, Action Items (5 minutes)

  • General Topics

    • Release G priority discussion deck @Atul Purohit

      • Step 1 : Create an XLS from requirements that we have received so far

      • Step 2 : Do a correlation activity between received requirements  and what has been proposed on release G pages in Confluence

      • Step 3 : We need to track the commitment for each requirements and mark in against the requirements in EUAG requirements priority xls

    • Is there EUAG BEYOND ONAP? @Jim Baker

      • I've had community members asking me if the advisory group advises anything other than ONAP?

      • What does it take to move beyond ONAP? 

    • AOB


Release G priority discussion

  • White paper final copy produced - final review all comments due Jun 17, 2020 noon PDT

  • Publishing plans

    • and websites

    • Links will be sent out once the white paper is posted - please cross-share the links to the white paper

LFN Virtual event week of Jun 22, 2020 

July webinar

  • The LFN MAC coordinates a webinar series and EUAG is proposing a 1 hr. webinar of the whitepaper later in July


  • @Ahmed El Sawaf has agreed to provide the bridge between CNTT and EUAG

  • More on this topic in the next meeting

VNF testing automation survey

Release G requirements

@Lei Huang @Javier Ger Please review and summarize which of the requirements made it into ONAP Guilin and which will be carried forward to a future release; Compare spreadsheet to ONAP Guilin requirement candidate list  (spreadsheet to Jira numbers)
  • Received requirements from: Swisscom/TIM/STC/Vodafone/Orange/China Mobile/NTT Labs/Bell Canada/AT&T/Telecom Argentina

  • Also need to prioritize the EUAG requirements AND represent the requirements in the ONAP TSC calls

  • @Kenny Paul reminded the EUAG that the primary source of influence is allocation of resources

    • it was noted that the "what resources are you. contributing" column in the requirements summary got dropped from the spreadsheet for RelG

@Atul Purohit to reach out to  to determine the best way to represent the EUAG requirements and arrange a call

EUAG beyond ONAP

  • EUAG was formed when several of the projects had their own advisory group, ONAP did not have one

  • How can we grow the understanding of the projects and EUAG representation of each

  • Too much for any person to be familiar with all of the LFN Projects - Probably need to have subgroups

  • Proposal: round-robin project review- similar to TAC review, but geared to a different audience that may no know about a project.

    • How can EUAG help your community?

    • What feedback would be most valuable to your project?

@Jim Baker  to help coordinate a set of project summaries from the project technical leads in the EUAG

Action items