2024-03-27 LFN AI Taskforce Minutes (1500 UTC)
2024-03-27 LFN AI Taskforce Minutes (1500 UTC)
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- Agenda Bashing (Roll Call, Action Items (5 minutes)
- General Topics
- AI White paper update
- Short term activities:
- Thoth project - Telco Data Anonymizer Project
- Strategic use case analysis
- ONE Summit and D&TF Planning
- Pilot for LFN Podcast
- Upcoming Meetings
Pending Action Items
- @sandeep to provide a draft of podcast script
Minutes/Talking Points
White Paper-
- The team is asked to put everything they have into the draft, we'll sort it out and massage after. Add a Deadline
- Identify areas where people can't input content in time and then resign if possible, adda proxy
- Plan B provide an abstract in time for ONE Summit
- Next Step- setup a touch base call for next week with just the people who signed up for the white paper
- Sandeep- Who would be the ideal person to speak on the podcast. A community member would be best. Will content be WP focused, AI in general?
Upcoming Meetings:
- 0200 UTC
- 1600 UTC