2022-06-16 - Virtual: EMCO: Face recognition application demo using EMCO
2022-06-16 - Virtual: EMCO: Face recognition application demo using EMCO
Topic Leader(s)
@Rama Subba Reddy S
@yellela nagaphanindra
@Md Irshad Sheikh
@Mukesh Paliwal
Topic Description
60 Min / @Rama Subba Reddy S
The current demo is to showcase the Deployment of a face recognition application using EMCO,
Face recognition application includes multiple microservices such as monitoring and face detection etc...
this demo aims at showcasing the capabilities of EMCO to orchestrate these related microservices as a composite application and demonstration the detailed steps involved in th process.
It also demonstrates the deployed face recognition functionality.
Topic Overview
Face recognition application demo using EMCO
Slides & Recording
Awesome presentation
Point 1
Point 2
Action Items
, multiple selections available,