2022-06-16 - ODL: 2022.09 Chlorine lookahead

2022-06-16 - ODL: 2022.09 Chlorine lookahead

Topic Leader(s)

  • @Robert Varga

Topic Description

60m, @Robert Varga

OpenDaylight 2022.09 Chlorine release is slated to break with the past in more that one ways. This talk will discuss the delieverables and immediate future plans.

Topic Overview

2022.09 Chlorine is set to be a major step in the evolution of OpenDaylight. We will present and discuss the major points, including:

  • removal of legacy RESTCONF interface

  • Java 17 and what it brings to the table

  • OSGi Release 8 and its implications

  • PCEP plugin changes

  • NETCONF/RESTCONF improvements

Slides & Recording


Informational with open discussion

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