- Presentation to TAC - March 10, 2021 - Lincoln / Trevor
- Presentation to Anuket TSC - March 2 - Lincoln Lavoie
- Presentation to ONAP TSC - TBD
- ONAP CNF Task Force - March 2, 2021 - Trevor
2021 OVP Release Planning
OVP Re-Launch Release Plan- Release Goal
- Does a badge based on the Anuket Q1-2021 (Elbrus) release make sense?
- We can also raise this question to the TSC / TAC in the next two weeks.
- What is the current coverage of the RC1 / RC2 tests, does this meet the needs of the operator community?
- Can we engaged with the EUAG to poll the operator community on the coverage need?
- Focus on a later release (i.e. first official Anuket release) could
- Work load testing and badging likely represents the best value to the operator community.
- RA1 work load profiles are defined, but testing for work loads meeting / falling into those profiles isn't yet defined.
- Increased requirements set for RA2 coverage.
- Increase the coverage for cloud native work load testing / requirements
- Need strong documentation of test coverage to enable communication of badge value to end consumers (i.e. operators)
- Anuket Assured Re-Launch Release Plan
- Re-branding of the badge program, given the changes between OPNFV / CNTT / Anuket.
- Need to add delivery dates to these items, working back from an assumed July badge release (assumes an Anuket release in June).
Web Portal and Results Submission / Review
- Background: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11jDyCbwYSvpnb3zhb5sVRF9GODnF6n9agEy9ngHaRKI/edit?usp=sharing
- Open Questions:
- Where is the repo hosted, gitlab, gerrit, etc?
- If results are stored in a repo, who has access to that repo?
- Can results submissions be made public, show this be required, at what point (submission, approval, etc.)?
- If limited access to the repo, how are submissions made?
- Can we leverage git submodules or linked repos to allow for private submissions?
- Can the Landscapes App including a link to the product info, or only the company info from Crunch-base?
- If not Landscape, is there something else or similar?
- Could the badge listing be built directly in a repo as markdown?
Any other business
- Next Meeting: March 1, 2021
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