2021-03-01 CVC Meeting Minutes
@Lincoln Lavoie
@Jim Baker
@Trevor Lovett
@Yan Yang
@Marc Price
@Brandon Wick
Outstanding Action Items
Community Engagement
Presentation to TAC - March 10, 2021 - Lincoln / Trevor
Presentation to Anuket TSC - March 2 - Lincoln Lavoie
Presentation to ONAP TSC - TBD
ONAP CNF Task Force - March 2, 2021 - Trevor
2021 OVP Release Planning
Release Goal
Does a badge based on the Anuket Q1-2021 (Elbrus) release make sense?
We can also raise this question to the TSC / TAC in the next two weeks.
What is the current coverage of the RC1 / RC2 tests, does this meet the needs of the operator community?
Can we engaged with the EUAG to poll the operator community on the coverage need?
Focus on a later release (i.e. first official Anuket release) could
Work load testing and badging likely represents the best value to the operator community.
RA1 work load profiles are defined, but testing for work loads meeting / falling into those profiles isn't yet defined.
Increased requirements set for RA2 coverage.
Increase the coverage for cloud native work load testing / requirements
Need strong documentation of test coverage to enable communication of badge value to end consumers (i.e. operators)
Anuket Assured Re-Launch Release Plan
Re-branding of the badge program, given the changes between OPNFV / CNTT / Anuket.
Need to add delivery dates to these items, working back from an assumed July badge release (assumes an Anuket release in June).
Web Portal and Results Submission / Review
Background: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11jDyCbwYSvpnb3zhb5sVRF9GODnF6n9agEy9ngHaRKI/edit?usp=sharing
Open Questions:
Where is the repo hosted, gitlab, gerrit, etc?
If results are stored in a repo, who has access to that repo?
Can results submissions be made public, show this be required, at what point (submission, approval, etc.)?
If limited access to the repo, how are submissions made?
Can we leverage git submodules or linked repos to allow for private submissions?
Can the Landscapes App including a link to the product info, or only the company info from Crunch-base?
If not Landscape, is there something else or similar?
Could the badge listing be built directly in a repo as markdown?
Any other business
Next Meeting: March 1, 2021