2021-12-13 CVC Meeting Minutes

2021-12-13 CVC Meeting Minutes


  1. @Lincoln Lavoie

  2. @Olivier Smith

  3. @Sandra Jackson (Deactivated)

  4. @Georg Kunz

  5. @Kodi


Outstanding Action Items


Release 2021.10

  • Legal documents:

    • Docs are approved and are being loaded into docusign this week, and will then be linked onto the website.

  • Landscapes:

    • Card is now finalized and is ready for the first participants.

    • @Lincoln Lavoie still needs to load the sample yaml into the sandbox, ran out of time last week.

  • First Testers:

    • Ready for business.

Release 2022.r1

@Sandra Jackson (Deactivated) is going to reach out to CNCF, once the event schedule is finalized.
@Heather Kirksey is going to reach out to Kenny about ONAP and their participation in the session, RE: CNF task force
@Lincoln Lavoie to reach out to Gergely about providing the Anuket mission / vision summary.

Any other business

  • Next Meeting: January 3, 2022