2021-03-29 CVC Meeting Minutes

2021-03-29 CVC Meeting Minutes


  1. @Lincoln Lavoie

  2. @Jim Baker

  3. @Brandon Wick

  4. @Olivier Smith

  5. @Yan Yang

  6. @Kanag


Outstanding Action Items


Update from TAC presentation

Survey of End Users

  • Jim was raised the idea of development a survey

  • Current feeling is, participation in Anuket should indicate the end user interest in the banging program

  • Additionally the go/no-go decision should help with verification of the requirements set

  • Agreement to not develop a specific survey at this time

ONAP CNF Task Force Input

  • Recommend to the project to develop a set of CNF compliance requirements.

  • The modeling team is potentially taking the role of developing these requirements, as part of the I-release

  • Proposal on the results format, for the specific information that should be includes as part of the test results

    • https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Anuket+Assured+-+ONAP+CNF+Compliance+Badge

    • Test ID - Traceable to the requirements (i.e. defined by modelling subcommittee, etc.)

    • What needs to be defined and agreed is the information model / requirements with each test results, then we can verify if xTesting results and other tool output meets those requirements.

    • @Kanag will lead an effort to standardize the results requirements in terms of the information included with each test result or test case output.  

    • We will need to do a gap analysis of the above, compared with the current xTesting output / structure, as well as how requirements are being traced within the RC-1 and RC-2 documentation today.

2021 Release Planning

  • Anuket Assured Re-Launch Release Plan

  • Badge categories vs badge attributes to deal with different requirements set (i.e. ONAP requirements vs Anuket RC-2 requirements).

  • Need to make it clear, which project releases would be reflected by the 2021 July badges. Could this drive a 2021 roadmap, for what comes beyond the July release (i.e. remainder of 2021 and possibly longer).

Any other business

  • Next Meeting: April 5, 2021 

  • Can we update the groups.io calendar invite to one meeting.