2021-05-17 CVC Meeting Minutes
@Lincoln Lavoie
@Marc Price
@Olivier Smith
Outstanding Action Items
2021 Anuket Assured Release
Results Submission
Gitlab group has been created
Process documentation is underway: Anuket Assured Badge Processes
Need to define the directory structure for results and information storage
Results information Model
Need to check if @Cédric Ollivier had a chance to review the information model and if he had any additional feedback.
Web lists (i.e. Landscapes)
Need to understand who is responsible for building up the landscape pages for the Anuket Assured program. Is there an LF Staff member taking this on, or do we need to find a community resource.
Release Documentation
Need to formalize how an Anuket Assured Release (i.e. 2021.06) translates for releases / requirements from the projects (i.e. Ankuet K-Release Requirements or ONAP H-Release Requirements).
This should be captured are parts of a public Gitlab repo, likely as markdown pages.
Next meeting (May 24) should identify what documentation is missing and assign action items for its creation.
Project Updates
Anuket - Currently voting on the calendar for June K release
ONAP - H-release went out, includes the original VM testing, CNF testing would be for the future.
On going discussions about where the CNF requirements should be defined (VNFREQT or the Modeling Subcommittee)
Revisit with Anuket TSC and/or the EUAG the Go / No-Go decision point for a badge based on the K-release (i.e. does it have enough "meat" for the end-users to consider it a valid badge?).
Board Meeting
Need to high light the point about operator (end user) take up of the program, to ensure the programs have end consumers.
Developer Event
June 7 to 11
EAUG has a session reviewing the testing white paper 2021-06-07 - Plenary: EUAG NFV Testing Next Steps
Any other business
Next Meeting: May 24, 2021