2021-11-15 CVC Meeting Minutes

2021-11-15 CVC Meeting Minutes


  1. @Lincoln Lavoie

  2. @Marc Price

  3. @Sandra Jackson (Deactivated)

  4. @Olivier Smith

  5. @Heather Kirksey

  6. @Brandon Wick

  7. @Georg Kunz



2021.10 Release

  • Legal Forms

    • Still under LF legal review, should be finished up "soon."

    • Once the forms are finalized, this will be setup on docusign and get things linked up on the website.

  • Landscapes

    • "Row" per release and "category", for example "CNF Workload 2021.10" would be a "box" with vendor logs inside

    • Developer has been working on a mouse over to all the users to see the "Product Name," which allows for dealing with companies with multiple products from the same companies.

    • The above solution seems like a reasonable approach, and will work well enough for the foreseeable future.

    • Still need to get information from the developers for the content of the yaml definition, https://gitlab.com/lfnetworking/cvc/anuket-assured-results, will be where the "main" version of the landscape definitions for the Anuket Assured Cards. 

  • Initial Testers

    • @Heather Kirksey is still working with a few of the LF members and their input is it's coming up on their "radar."  

Next release 2022.r1

  • RA2 Check In Update

    • @Olivier Smith attended the RA2 meeting on November 4 and inquired on the plans for requirements around CN workloads.  The view seemed to be it is specifying the infrastructure and not the workloads.  The limited set of requirements on the workloads doesn't seem to be addressed within the current test cases.

    • CNCF requirements on workloads aren't constructed in a way that would currently lend themselves to supporting creation of test cases.

    • Plan B - Can we leverage the CNCF cloud native best practices requirements?

    • Plan C - Can develop requirements / testing for interop of workloads on infrastructure meeting the RC requirements?

    • It would seem the RC2 documentation would still be the appropriate place to document either of the two plans above.  

  • RC2 leadership

    • Scott Stel has volunteered to lead this area.  

@Lincoln Lavoie to reach out to Scott about participating in the CVC discussions next week.

Any other business

  • Next meeting: November 22, 2021