2021-06-21 CVC Meeting Minutes

2021-06-21 CVC Meeting Minutes


  1. @Lincoln Lavoie

  2. @Marc Price

  3. @Kodi

  4. @Yan Yang

  5. @Olivier Smith

  6. @Jim Baker


Action Items


2021.r1 Release

  • Merge request is open for the program guidelines, https://gitlab.com/lfnetworking/cvc/anuket-assured-docs/-/merge_requests/1

    • Concern the top-level README.md document still needs additional updates to account for the Cloud Native aspects of the program.

  • Next steps: 

    • Working through the development of the addendum, to reference the Anuket RC documentation.  Merge request should come in for next meeting (June 28).

    • Once we have the MR open and some feedback, we should plan the sync-up session with the RC2 teams, to make sure the references to the Anuket release artifacts are correct.  Will need to send the MR to the RC2 team for review / comment, prior to the scheduled meeting.  Will probably request 10 to 15 minutes of the meeting to capture feedback and input from the RC2 team.

@Olivier Smith and @Kodi to work review and updates to the merge request, based on the CNCF / LFN relationship slide.

Any other business

  • Next Meeting: June 28