2021-08-16 CVC Meeting Minutes
@Lincoln Lavoie
@Marc Price
@Yan Yang
@Olivier Smith
@Sandra Jackson (Deactivated)
2021.r1 Release
Release Merge Request: https://gitlab.com/lfnetworking/cvc/anuket-assured-docs/-/merge_requests/2
Lincoln met with the RC2 / RI2 team last week.
They agreed to review the materials for this MR (has not been done yet).
They asked a question about plans for how long each program / badge would remain "in-force", because this then require they maintain that release of the test tools for the duration of the badge.
It's difficult to answer this now, without knowing how quickly the the program releases will occur for AAP.
ONAP should generally support 2 to 3 releases (@Kanag to check / confirm).
Missing Items (anuket-assured-docs/releases/2021.r1/README.md)
3:FIXME: Update release number above.
59:FIXME: Add assumptions for cloud Native Infrastructure badge. - @Olivier Smith
63:FIXME: Add assumptions for CNF badge. - @Olivier Smith
135:FIXME: Check the below for how to refer to release 1 vs release 2 - @Lincoln Lavoie
208:FIXME: Need to confirm what stress testing is included in Anuket RC 1. - @Lincoln Lavoie
Results information model
Results Sandbox
@Lincoln Lavoie will try to prioritize this for later this week, so there are materials to review for the next CVC meeting.
Landscapes Integration
Need an update from @Heather Kirksey on where the LFN staff is with the Landscapes integration work.
Initial participants
How to promote to the initial participants?
Dry run participants?
@Lincoln Lavoie to confirm with @Heather Kirksey and @Brandon Wick what the launch plan would be, and if initial participants would have access to, or be included in, a press release, etc.
EUAG Update
EUAG requested an update on the Anuket Assured Program for tomorrow's meeting (Tuesday, August 17, 2pm UTC)
@Lincoln Lavoie, @Yan Yang, @Olivier Smith, and @Sandra Jackson (Deactivated) will join the meeting tomorrow.
Ask / Request: seeking the initial participants to trial run the program. Should also raise this up to the Anuket and ONAP TSC.
@Lincoln Lavoie will share out some slides later today for the EUAG meeting.
Any Other Business
Next Meeting: Monday, August 23, 2021