2021-04-26 CVC Meeting Minutes
@Lincoln Lavoie
@Jim Baker
@Marc Price
@Olivier Smith
Outstanding Action Items
2021 Release Planning
Mock up of the listing pages requirements
Attempt to demonstrate the clear distinction between the cloud native and VM systems.
Must show what listing pages will look like with both cloud native and VM systems.
Company with multiple products "certified" in one category (cloud native or VM)
Company with multiple products "certified" in both categories (cloud native and VM)
How do multiple sub-categories appear (i.e. ONAP and CNCF)?
How does a listing appear if a company "adds" a sub-category to an already listed product (i.e. adding ONAP or other updates)?
Where does the badge link go (i.e. a hyper link)?
How do the listings differentiate between badge revisions (i.e. Release I vs Release J)?
What other attributes need to be shown, i.e. SUT versions, model names, documentation links?
Listing should include the date when badge was awarded.
Anuket Assured Badge Processes has been started, will be ready for next week.
Results Formats
Should solicit review from the RC2 team, to collect feedback on what is missing or needs to be changed. Next RC2 call should be Thursday. @Olivier Smith and @Lincoln Lavoie will join this call.
Any other business
Nominations for CVC leadership are still open through April 29. Voting is starting April 30.
Next Meeting: May 3, 2021
May 10, 2021, Lincoln will have a conflict.