Welcome to the TSC Shankar and Ganesh
Recap of Projects underway and next steps
5G SBP Use Case - Reference Open Source Testbed - UNH
next steps
Joint LFN/LF Edge Use Case- Application Centric Connectivity
Next meeting - finalize Outreach Messaging (draft). Develop an elevator pitch
Work with Sunny as well
Intent Driven Orchestration for an Autonomous 5G Network
Next meeting is TBD
Nephio integration underway.
HEXAeBPF/QORE: Quantumized 5G Core
Proposal to presentation on QORE: Quantumized 5G Core to the LFN TAC, ONAP, Nephio (from 12/10)
LJ Illuzzi to lead cross-promotion effort
Problem Statement/Goals:
How do we entice members to contribute and champion projects?
How do we draw in new active participants to the 5G SBP community?
Project Milestones
M0- Initialization
M1- Development/build
M2- Documentation and collateral
Dec 4 LFN Board review and vote on 5G SBP entering LFN as Incubation project.
Need to build out community commitments .- completed
Marketing Template (Sunny)
Open Networking and Edge Summit CFP page: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/kubecon-cloudnativecon-europe/co-located-events/cfp-colocated-events/#submit-your-talk . In-person event only. Add some event detail.
Telco Day CFPs open until Dec 4- short abstract needed.
Open Networking and Edge Summit - content by LFN
NGMN- whitepaper- What does CN look like in the telco envir. Talk to Moshe. Can we look at some of these principals? This These are benefits to SPs. CNTi is working with NGMN.
What CN principles does Application Centric use case touch? Center out-reach material around this.
11/26 meeting UNH readout, status, and next steps, Telco day CFPs, add details about this event.
Proposed Day 0 Milestones (M0) for new projects. (to be vetted).
M0- Project Champion- this person leads the project from a technical perspective
M0- Identify Sponsering organization(s) (at least one) to see the project through, , end users who help drive requirements. Duplicate see below
M0- Identify Contributoring organizations/other LF/LFN projects), may involve proprietary components.
M0- Problem statement and resolution
M0- Business justification
M0- Who are the end users and how will they be reached (Outreach)? We need the voice of the end user(s) as input for the project at the onset to validate outcomes. ONAP and Nephio are doing this well.
M0- initial development resourses identified
Day 1 Milestones. Development/build.
Gates for each
Day 2 Milestones. Docs and collateral
Gates for each
Tomorrow (Tues 11/12) bi-weekly status meeting will be a project meeting for Application Centric Connectivity
TAC Incubation induction review on 11/13
need to build out community commitments.
Proposed Day 0 Milestones (M0) for new projects. (to be vetted)
M0- Project Champion- this person leads the project from a technical perspective
M0- Sponsering organization(s) (at least one) to see the project through
M0- Problem statement and resolution
M0- Business justification
M0- Who are the end users and how will they be reached (Outreach)? We need the voice of the end user(s) as input for the project at the onset to validate outcomes. ONAP and Nephio are doing this well.
M0- initial development resourses identified
Open Networking and Edge Summit CFP page: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/kubecon-cloudnativecon-europe/co-located-events/cfp-colocated-events/#submit-your-talk
NGMN- whitepaper- What does CN look like in the telco envir. Talk to Moshe. Can we look at some of these principals? This These are benefits to SPs. CNTi is working with NGMN.