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10minInterim TSC election calendar proposalGeorg Kunzhttps://wikilf-networking.lfnetworkingatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/joO-AgBITm
15minAnuket release artifacts proposal
15minAction item reviewJim Bakerhttps://wikilf-networking.lfnetworkingatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/aApoAggIDm


Interim TSC election calendar proposal


Discussion of Trevor's proposed organization strawman.  Need to add link here.  Merged strawman   Anuket Strawman Top level Structure v0.5.pptx  Merged workstreams.  Anuket Projects and Workstreams: Specification, implementation, conformance projects. Implementations are a set of flavors based on the reference architectures that are part of the specification projects pool. 
