Project Name
The official project name is now Anuket.
Pronunciation: a-NEW-keht. Listen here:
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Britannica: Anuket, Greek Anukis, in Egyptian religion, the patron deity of the Nile River. Anuket is normally depicted as a beautiful woman wearing a crown of reeds and ostrich feathers and accompanied by a gazelle. She was originally a Nubian deity. Anuket belonged to a triad of deities worshipped at the great temple at Elephantine, an island in the upper Nile. Alongside Khnum (Khenemu) and Sati, Anuket oversaw the fertility of the lands near the river. Indeed, she was worshipped as the great nourisher of the farms and fields because of the annual inundation of the Nile that deposited the heavy layer of black silt from Upper Egypt and Nubia.
Wikipedia: Anuket was the ancient Egyptian goddess of the cataracts of the Nile and Lower Nubia in general, worshipped especially at Elephantine near the First Cataract. In ancient Egyptian, she was known as Anuket, Anaka, or Anqet. Her name meant the "Clasper" or "Embracer". In Greek, this became Anoukis (Ανουκις), sometimes also spelled Anukis. In the interpretatio graeca, she was considered equivalent to Hestia or Vesta. Anuket was usually depicted as a woman with a headdress of either reed or ostrich feathers. She was usually depicted as holding a sceptre topped with an ankh, and her sacred animal was the gazelle.
Purpose / Background
(Initial Draft Positioning Statement)
- Business Leaders in Telecommunications Companies
- Developer Community/potential developers
- Current LFN Members
- Upstream and partner communities
Primary Stakeholders
- Meld Marketing Task Force (combining with the CNTT MMA)
- Meld Organization & Governance Task Force
- Meld Operational & TSC Task Force
- LFN Board
- LFN Staff
Perception (Is there any internal insight you can provide that may impact design)
- ….
Something that is:
- New
- Bold
- Unique
- Powerful
- Aquatic
- Navigation / Tides
- Swift / Agile
Magnetic Ideas (What do you want to communicate with this brand)
- Coming TogetherThis is a coming together of equals: two organizations, specs/development/testing, also integration of technologies being a primary focus of work
- We need a fresh idea that represents a new initiative
- The icon/logo should pay reference in some way to goddess that is the origin of the name
- Existing imagery of Anuket includes the following:
- Symbols associated with Anuket are: Bow, arrows, gazelle, ostrich feather (perhaps these can be integrated with the various icon/logo options)
- Strong visual, does NOT need to be literal.
Competition (Please list any competitors and/or potential members whose branding we should be aware of)
- What we're ultimately looking for is a name/logo/brand like K8s
- There is no direct competitor in the industry but other, related industry efforts taking mindshare/attention are K8s, CNCF, ETSI, Open Source MANO (OSM), Open Stack, Open Infrastructure Foundation (OIF), Open Networking Foundation (ONF), EANTC
Creative Considerations & Distribution
- The creative elements need to be flexible. The logo needs to be visible in single and multiple colors and scale so that it works at very small sizes. It will also be reproduced for printing and the web.
- We would like to somehow tie in to some of the blues/greens in the OPNFV cover palate and also introduce a new color: gold.
- If possible, we'd like to see a version that includes a version of the OPNFV petals (but with different shapes)
- We would like to have a primary logo (with icon and wordmark), a standalone icon that can be used for avatars, favicon, etc.
Creative Deliverables
- Print-Ready Logo Artwork Files: AI and EPS
- Screen-Optimized Logo Artwork Files: JPEG, PNG
- Logo Usage Guidelines: PDF
- Logo Anatomy: One-page PDF that describes the logo elements and origins. See this example from the Seattle Kraken.
- Brand Video: A very short illustrated video that reveals the project name, logo, and origins (let's discuss)
- PowerPoint Template: PPTX
- Any Font Licenses and Files Needed