- 02-07-23 - Bi-Weekly Status Meeting - Draft Agenda
Ganesh Venkatraman (Deactivated)
- Antitrust Policy
- Lab Updates (Ganesh):
- RAN solution- eliminate faraday cage
- Creation of BOM as consumable for end-users
- Each participating company provide a BOM, then consolidate into an overall
- Next steps with IBM use case(s) - demo at IBM Dallas lab
- How to position ORAN-SC
- How to utilize Wavelabs lab in Hydrabad- lacency may be an issue
- potential to install ORAN-SC to create gNB
- automation dev and test
- Setup call with Wavelabs call after documentation.
- Looking ahead to 2023:
- Tigher alignment with the LFN TAC
- Lab automation and creation of consumable collateral for end-users (DoD)
- Network as a Service (NaaS) Use Case
- Next Advisory Group meeting January 9, 2023
- Antitrust Policy
- Visual Inspection Use Case Documentation:
- Ask- review and provide commentary.
- Release date is Dec 08
- Remote Attestation exploratory call with Peraton Labs; 11/28, 10am PT/1pm ET
- Planning for next work streams:
- Automate existing Use Case with EMCO
- Use Case- deploy & manage edge compute
- LOE - 6 months?
- Whats needed for documentation so that at least EMCO orchestration of Free5GC is consumable?
- Identify integration points
- ORAN-SC SMO (Martial/AT&T)
- Needed for deploy & manage edge compute (O-cloud)/(O2 interface) Use Case
- Automate existing Use Case with EMCO
- Antitrust Policy
- Current Proof Point in progress: 5G SBP Use Case - Factory Floor Visual Inspection - ONE Summit Demo (November 2022)
- Looking ahead:
- Kaloom has committed to providing the 5G SBP Lab on a permanent basis.
- Potential for quarterly 5G SBP webinars. Potential Issue- webinar/Zoom fatigue; is this the right platform
- Use Cases and Placeholders
- Flush out: 5G SBP Use Case -ORAN-SC: RAN Slice SLA Assurance on 10/31 meeting
David Armbrust (Mitre)
Ben Posthuma (GXC)
Abhijit Patil
Martial Ngueko (AT&T)
Sundar Nadathur (Intel, EMCO)
Bob Heinemann
Ganesh Venkatraman (Kaloom)
Muddasar Ahmed (Mitre)
- Antitrust Policy
- Current work item: 5G SBP Use Case - Factory Floor Visual Inspection - ONE Summit Demo (November 2022)
- Use Case Wiki Clean Up
- Antitrust Policy
- What are the core requirements of a 5G Super Blueprint and Use Case?
- Open Source Core?
- Open Source Orchestration?
- Reference:
- Are the right questions being asked to get to the core requirements?
- How is a 5G Super Blueprint documented?
- Are the right questions being asked to get to a documentation process?
Action Items:
- Muddasar Ahmed Fishbone diagram for foundational Use Cases
- Antitrust Policy
- Review Use Case wiki page and Use Case submission template
- Security Lead
- Meeting day/time and cadence
- Next 5G SBP meeting: 07-12-22 - 5G SBP Regular Bi-weekly Status Meeting
- Michael August (DoD) ONE Summit CPF submission
- Demo- Secure slicing, and DDoS
Action Items:
- Muddasar Ahmed Fishbone diagram for foundational Use Cases
Next meeting 11:30am ET, 8:30am PST
@Abhi Patil
@lawrence Kerr
@Ryan McAllister
- Review Use Case Wiki Page and Use Case submission template
- Proposal- 5G SBP "Releases"- New use cases, updated use cases, etc. Proposal for every quarter: "5G SBP Fall2022 Release", "5G SBP Winter2023 Release", "5G SBP Spring2023 Release", etc.
- Proposal- "Tracks" and "Use Cases"
Track: Orchestration
Use Case (under Orchestration Track): Orchestration of Magma with ONAP
Use Case (under Orchestration Track): Orchestration of Free5GC with EMCO
- Security SIG- Muddasar Ahmed (Mitre)- asked about non-functional reuirements; "security orchestration". Ranny suggests we will need to have the capability to demostrate security capabilities. Ranny suggests a security "champion" needs to step foreward. Potential for a security SIG under the Advisory Council - add to June 6 agenda
- Meeting day/time and cadence
- June 5G SBP Meetings
Kickoff Meeting
Recording not available
@Haseem Ahmed
LJ Illuzzi(LFN)
Ranny Haiby (LF)
Nadathur Sundar(Intel)
Proposed Agenda:
- Meeting recording to facilitate meeting notes
- Introductions
- Level set on Advisory Group purpose
- Proposed Use Cases
- Use Case: 3Gpp NTN (Haseem)
- Fixed Wireless Access (FWA)
- Process for use case submission and review
- How is the proposal to be documented? (INPUTS)
- Use Case discription
- Problem statement/ what probel is solved?
- Users stories
- Demo storyline
- Interaction with other Open-source components
- Links to existing documentation (Build Guide, Slideware, etc), if available.
- Links to existing demo/video, if available.
- Links to existing code/repos, if available
- What does a 5G Super Blueprint look like? How is it documented? (OUTPUTS)
- Use Case discription
- Problem statement/ what problem is solved?
- Users stories
- Build Guide
- Slideware
- Demo Video
- Can we leverage existing Proof Points?
- Discussion on 5G Core- Magma TSC is looking at a dual core approach, with the 2nd core being Free5GC or OAI. Recommendations have been put forth that 5G SBP should wait on a core decision until this is sorted out.
- Magma
- Magma TSC is looking at a dual core approach, with the 2nd core being Free5GC or OAI
- Free5GC
- Open5GS
- Reference: Lab Architecture Draft
- Meeting Cadence and Next Meeting - June 6, 11:30am EST
Action Items:
- @martialNgueko(AT&T) - provide documentation/code links to 5G SBP: ORAN SMO Package - Combining multiple open sources into an E2E package
- LJ Illuzzicreate Use Cae wiki and Use Case submission template
- Test case for "New" Use Case
- Test case for "Existing" Use Case
New projects
EdgeLake- Enables Federated Learning at the Edge - Technical Presentation & Demo
Proposal to presentation on QORE: Quantumized 5G Core to the LFN TAC, ONAP, Nephio?
SHANKAR MALIK to talk to team and update. Shankar ready to meet with TAC and will share ppt by
What is the ask to the TAC? Request cryptography from each project.
5G SPB Library - catagorized by domains, capabilities, example ORAN, Security, IoT, etc. Update/ Catagorize Use Case page & Library. Add metadata. Highlight capabilities. How to automate. How to use AI.
If time:
Problem Statement/Goals:
How do we entice members to contribute and champion projects?
How do we draw in new active participants to the 5G SBP community?
Project Milestones
M0- Initialization
M1- Development/build
M2- Documentation and collateral
Welcome to the TSC Shankar and Ganesh
Recap of Projects underway and next steps
5G SBP Use Case - Reference Open Source Testbed - UNH
next steps
Joint LFN/LF Edge Use Case- Application Centric Connectivity
Next meeting - finalize Outreach Messaging (draft). Develop an elevator pitch
Work with Sunny as well
Intent Driven Orchestration for an Autonomous 5G Network
Next meeting is TBD
Nephio integration underway.
HEXAeBPF/QORE: Quantumized 5G Core
Proposal to presentation on QORE: Quantumized 5G Core to the LFN TAC, ONAP, Nephio (from 12/10)
LJ Illuzzi to lead cross-promotion effort
Problem Statement/Goals:
How do we entice members to contribute and champion projects?
How do we draw in new active participants to the 5G SBP community?
Project Milestones
M0- Initialization
M1- Development/build
M2- Documentation and collateral
Dec 4 LFN Board review and vote on 5G SBP entering LFN as Incubation project.
Need to build out community commitments - completed
Marketing Template (Sunny)
Open Networking and Edge Summit CFP page: . In-person event only. Add some event detail.
Telco Day CFPs open until Dec 4- short abstract needed.
Open Networking and Edge Summit - content by LFN
NGMN- whitepaper- What does CN look like in the telco envir. Talk to Moshe. Can we look at some of these principals? These are benefits to SPs. CNTi is working with NGMN.
What CN principles does Application Centric use case touch? Center out-reach material around this.
11/26 meeting UNH readout, status, and next steps, Telco day CFPs, add details about this event.
Proposed Day 0 Milestones (M0) for new projects. (to be vetted).
M0- Project Champion- this person leads the project from a technical perspective
M0- Identify Sponsering organization(s) (at least one) to see the project through, , end users who help drive requirements. Duplicate see below
M0- Identify Contributoring organizations/other LF/LFN projects), may involve proprietary components.
M0- Problem statement and resolution
M0- Business justification
M0- Who are the end users and how will they be reached (Outreach)? We need the voice of the end user(s) as input for the project at the onset to validate outcomes. ONAP and Nephio are doing this well.
M0- initial development resourses identified
Day 1 Milestones. Development/build.
Gates for each
Day 2 Milestones. Docs and collateral
Gates for each
Tomorrow (Tues 11/12) bi-weekly status meeting will be a project meeting for Application Centric Connectivity
TAC Incubation induction review on 11/13
need to build out community commitments.
Proposed Day 0 Milestones (M0) for new projects. (to be vetted)
M0- Project Champion- this person leads the project from a technical perspective
M0- Sponsering organization(s) (at least one) to see the project through
M0- Problem statement and resolution
M0- Business justification
M0- Who are the end users and how will they be reached (Outreach)? We need the voice of the end user(s) as input for the project at the onset to validate outcomes. ONAP and Nephio are doing this well.
M0- initial development resourses identified
Open Networking and Edge Summit CFP page:
NGMN- whitepaper- What does CN look like in the telco envir. Talk to Moshe. Can we look at some of these principals? These are benefits to SPs. CNTi is working with NGMN.
Induction Timeline-
Oct 04- Review and Modify period starts
Oct 15- Review and Modify period ends
Oct 16- TSC voting on documents starts
Oct 25- TSC voting ends
Oct 30- Release the documents to the TAC and ask to get on the TAC agenda for Nov 13 (assuming TSC approval, if not we’ll adjust).
Nov 13- Review the material on the TAC meeting. We will need TSC representation on the TAC call….. volunteers?
Lincoln to represent on the TAC call.
Dec 4- LFN Board review and vote
The TSC recommends using only1 logo; v1 upper left below.
Finish review of Technical Charter Draft. Pickup discussion on Section 7 "Voting"
Finish LFN Induction slides
5G SBP Logo
LJ Illuzzi Zahir Patni Ranny Haiby
Received the OK from LF Legal to change name to 5G Super Blueprints
Finish review of Technical Charter Draft. Pickup discussion on Section 7 "Voting"
Review LFN Induction slides
Meeting Notes:
Technical Charter- did not have quorum on the call, this discussion was postponed
Reviewed LFN Induction slides.
At what level do we want to strive for? Incubation? Graduated?
Action Items:
- LJ Illuzzi provide Induction slides draft to the TSC, before July 22
LJ Illuzzi Lincoln Lavoie Muddasar Ahmed Ranny Haiby AH (Deactivated)
TSC Meeting Cadence
Governance - Technical Charter
LFN Induction Prep - September
Outreach Strategy
UNH project
5G SBP TSC Wiki page updated
Meeting cadence - keep bi-weekly until after induction.
Technical Charter Draft-
Section 1 thru 6 or good to go.
Pickup discussion on Section 7 "Voting"
Outreach- messaging for inclusivity. Potential name change in the future
Next meeting is August 5
Action Items:
- LJ Illuzzi provide Induction draft to the TSC, before July 22