- Lincoln Lavoie
- Rabi Abdel
- bwhittle
- steven stark
- Trevor Lovett
- victor gao
- Vincent Scharf
- Yangguanzhi
- Trevor Cooper
Outstanding Action Items
Task report
Looking good, no incomplete tasks.
Meeting Minutes
- Meeting Time - Clash with ONAP PTL meeting extension (30 minute overlap)
- This time is difficult for Rabi who is usually driving at this time
- Hour after is LFN SPC
- Lincoln Lavoie Lincoln AR to setup a poll to collect further input on this.
- Proposal to create a Rocket Chat Room for CVC
- Can help with time-zone issue
- Already used in ONAP, just will have to create a channel
- Works in China but not in ATT.
- Discuss more with ONAP, needs more investigation.
- victor gao to find out more from ONAP and get back with suggestion.
HEAT base VNF validation testing user story demo / walk through
- Trevor L shared re. Heat based VNF onboarding and testing approach
- Provide feedback and questions to update Wiki page
- Will be cloning VVP directly, there are security concerns running docker in docker. Long term make VVP a deploy-able component. Needs discussion.
- Slides Reviewed:
- Status: invoking tests, but not producing full package yet. Have draft of HS validation report, working on Robot test cases
TOSCA base VNF validation testing user story demo / walk through
- Victor gave status update
- Use Robot directly as test engine?
- Almost finished developing test cases. AR Victor update status on Wiki.
- victor gao present walk though of TOSCA validation next week.
Victor: LF recommends using slack (, beta testing) because LF can host Slack services. Currently, I work very well on this platform.
VNF validation testing
- Review input and comments to 2019 - OVP MVP Planning
Any other business
- None