Rick Tennant (AT&T)
speedwyre (AT&T)
Zhiqiang Yu (China Mobile)
- Acknowledge GSMA and LNF Terms of Reference @ Common NFVI Telco Task Force - CNTT
- Agenda Bashing - Review WIP Metrics Work Stream Work
- Review and discuss progress on Structure Action Item List per link
- Structure Doc review
- Need to be complete before Prague
- Voting - requires active contributions - 1 vote per company
- AI (Jonathan, Jim, Rick) Need method | dashboard to share company voting status with the community based on approved set of criteria
- AI (Rick, Jim) Need working session in Prague to discuss structure document details with members F2F
- Logistically able to support dedicated as well as ad-hoc sessions on this topic (breakout or un-conference session)
- (Jim) – Would be beneficial to test out voting mechanism or process prior to formal implementation
- Business and Technical metrics
- First round of metrics developed (14) - looking to the Governance and other workstreams for review/feedback
- LFN Developer Analytics (new tool) targeted for delivery and trial by CNTT in January 2020
- AI - (Jim) - Will investigate demonstration of the tool in Prague as a breakout session