- Shiby Parayil to send TCO / business case. Not going to Prague.
Notes from 12/17 call:
- Bitergia – OPNFV instance. Not tagged with CNTT info.
- Not clear if data is accurate in Bitergia
- We can definitely state the data will be incomplete.
- AI - Need to characterize in data sources by core ‘business’ areas RM, RA, RI, and RC
- AI – need to be prepared to map the ids to participants in GitHub
- AI – get emails updated in requirements to Nick Chase for Stackalytics
- AI – Schedule meeting first week in Jan.
- AI – for Prague BTM will be covered in Kickoff and in WS updates
- Prague
- Kickoff - Discussion
- Current data, New data, plan going forward
- Day 4 - Discussion
- Key Quality and Value measurement discussion
- Quality side
- A lot of this subjective until we see deployment.
- Once we do see deployment, then what should we start to observe
- As a vendor: what do we see in the RFIs and RFQs
- g. badge required, not required (it is becoming real)
- g. is the badge mandatory (i.e. if you don’t have badge won’t buy from you)
- g. do we need a survey/poll? How close are we for telcos to mandate as a gate?
- As operator:
- Common activities vs. special sauce–focus on common activities
- Business case; the common framework is taking a longer time range.
- Can we capture deployment time frames?
- How many VNFs have badging on their product development roadmap?
- How many VNFs have badging?
- How many Operators have the RA on their architectural design roadmaps? By RAx?
- Are we seeing convergence between roadmaps (Supplier / Operator)
- Do separate polls for Operators vs. Vendors?
- How skeptical or optimist?
- As a vendor: what do we see in the RFIs and RFQs
- Value side (subjective value, objective $$$)
- Look for methods for value delivered
- This data serves adoption strategy.
- Do we need economic models, spreadsheet?
- How do we move from ‘marketing’ to ‘actual’ data?
- No public access to what it costs to deploy today?
- Cost of testing, cost of procurement, costs of integration and customization?
- Quality side
- Kickoff - Discussion
- Bitergia – OPNFV instance. Not tagged with CNTT info.