20191217 [CNTT - BTM] - Agenda & Meeting Minutes
@Shiby Parayil
@Jonne Soininen
@Rick Tennant
@Shiby Parayil to send TCO / business case. Not going to Prague.
Notes from 12/17 call:
Bitergia – OPNFV instance. Not tagged with CNTT info.
Not clear if data is accurate in Bitergia
We can definitely state the data will be incomplete.
AI - Need to characterize in data sources by core ‘business’ areas RM, RA, RI, and RC
AI – need to be prepared to map the ids to participants in GitHub
AI – get emails updated in requirements to @Nick Chase for Stackalytics
AI – Schedule meeting first week in Jan.
AI – for Prague BTM will be covered in Kickoff and in WS updates
Kickoff - Discussion
Current data, New data, plan going forward
Day 4 - Discussion
Key Quality and Value measurement discussion
Quality side
A lot of this subjective until we see deployment.
Once we do see deployment, then what should we start to observe
As a vendor: what do we see in the RFIs and RFQs
g. badge required, not required (it is becoming real)
g. is the badge mandatory (i.e. if you don’t have badge won’t buy from you)
g. do we need a survey/poll? How close are we for telcos to mandate as a gate?
As operator:
Common activities vs. special sauce–focus on common activities
Business case; the common framework is taking a longer time range.
Can we capture deployment time frames?
How many VNFs have badging on their product development roadmap?
How many VNFs have badging?
How many Operators have the RA on their architectural design roadmaps? By RAx?
Are we seeing convergence between roadmaps (Supplier / Operator)
Do separate polls for Operators vs. Vendors?
How skeptical or optimist?
Value side (subjective value, objective $$$)
Look for methods for value delivered
This data serves adoption strategy.
Do we need economic models, spreadsheet?
How do we move from ‘marketing’ to ‘actual’ data?
No public access to what it costs to deploy today?
Cost of testing, cost of procurement, costs of integration and customization?