20191119 [CNTT - BTM] - Agenda & Meeting Minutes
CNTT Key Metrics 2020 Strawman (comment page)
@Jonne Soininen
@Shiby Parayil
Walk-on and Agenda Bashing
Business | Technical Metrics
Identify key metrics and data sources
What do we need?
What do we have?
What are the gaps (for 2020)?
What can we automate or semi-automate?
Service WS Strategy & Tactics?
Key Metrics Targets for 2020 Strawman (ppt)
First Clear Target is Contribution Metrics
Comprehensively by segments (by company, by individual)
Measure contributions by CNTT community participants
Review LFN bodies of work for ideas on business case metrics
Contributed: NFV TCO analysis
Compute, Network Intensive
Low, High Traffic
Sensitivity based on # VNFs and # of VNF releases
Bitergia, GitHub, and Dev Analytics
GitHub, Wiki, Jira?
Had 1 meeting so far, meeting every 2 weeks
Initial approach
In Flight Initiatives
Identified Tools
Identified Data Sources
Step 1 - Identify key metrics and data sources
What do we need?
What do we have?
What are the gaps (for 2020)?
Step 2 - Ask questions and hypothesize what will create insight
Step 3 - Segment and extrapolate information
Step 4 – Identify actions take
("AI" = Action Item)
Work with LFN on tool they have is it named Dev Analytics? Jim will know which tool to use. LFN wants to move here over.
GitHub has built in tools.
Arpit's analysis was TCO savings of 50%.
AI - @speedwyre allow comment on ppt
AI - @speedwyre add priority column, and publish CNTT Key Metrics next version.
AI - @Rick Tennant check on status of Dev Analytics LFN tool. Preference is to use it.
AI - @Shiby Parayil to work with internal team to get approval to use all or part of TCO analysis for CNTT,
AI - @Shiby Parayil to work with CNTT WS leads to normalize to CNTT approaches.